At Health Partners at Violet Melchett we aim to offer our patients a health service that works for and around you, and nothing helps us know how we can improve this service more than hearing your feedback!
To have your say we encourage you to come along to our Patient Participation Group, held every Quarter or so here at the practice. Our Patient Participation Group is a group of patients who provide us with feedback including helping us with the practice questionnaire and providing suggestions and opinions on how we run our services.
The group gives patients and practice staff the opportunity to meet and discuss topics of mutual interest, providing a means for you to become more involved and make suggestions about improving the services you receive. At PPG meetings we also explore issues from patient complaints and surveys, as well as forming action plans and monitoring improvements.
In order to gather a truly representative sample of patients together, we welcome patients from all manner of diverse backgrounds including young people, students, workers, retired people, people with long term conditions, and people from non-British ethnic groups.
If you are interested in joining the PPG, or are happy for us to contact you occasionally by email as part of an on line patient representation group, please click the link below to open the sign-up form and complete all the fields.
We are addressing the underrepresented groups by asking doctors and nurses to actively recruit for our patient group during their consultations and by putting up notices in the waiting areas and publicising this in our newsletter.