Self Referral

Maternity Self-Referral Options

St Marys and Queen Charlotte’s Hospitals

Congratulations on your pregnancy and thank you for choosing to have your maternity care at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. We provide maternity care at two hospital sites; St Mary’s Hospital and Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital. At both sites this includes midwifery led birth centres and obstetric-led labour wards. We also offer care in the community, which includes home births.

Antenatal Self Referral Form

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

We are passionate about the quality of care we provide and our woman-focused approach looks at your needs throughout each and every stage of your pregnancy. We provide maternity services at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, West Middlesex University Hospital and in the community, supporting around 12,000 women a year who give birth with us. You can choose to plan to give birth at either of our hospitals or at home.

Maternity Services Self Refer Online

Mental Health and Wellbeing, Debt, Housing and Benefits Support Self Referral

Community Living Well is a service for people aged 16 and over who need support with their mental health and wellbeing and offers wide range of clinical and wellbeing service accessible to you and anyone who cares for you

The services on offer include talking therapies (like counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy), support groups, help with employment and support with debt, housing and benefits issues.

Self Referral options available through Community Living Well

Mental Health Crisis Assessment Service (MHCAS) Now Open to Walk-in

Residents can now walk in to CNWL’s Mental Health Crisis Assessment Service (MHCAS) at St Charles Hospital in Kensington and Chelsea. Based at St Charles Hospital in Kensington and Chelsea, the service is open 24/7 and provides a calm, therapeutic alternative to visiting an emergency department.

This service is available to anyone aged 18 or over experiencing mental health difficulties, who does not require urgent physical health treatment, and resides in Kensington and Chelsea, Westminster, Brent, Harrow or Hillingdon.

MHCAS is a calm environment where you can talk to professionals about your mental health. The experience of coming to the centre may feel upsetting, but people should feel welcome and cared for at all times. You will be seen by a specialist nurse soon after arriving. We want you to feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible. There will also be food, hot drinks and snacks available.

Where appropriate, you may be referred for follow up psychological interventions, or to voluntary sector services near to your home, as well as other services to meet your individual needs.

You can also contact your community mental health team or call our single point of access line 24/7 for support and advice on 0800 0234 650. Visit this page to find out more.

Physiotherapy and Musculoskeletal Specialist Self Referral

You can self refer for Physiotherapy and specialist tests, scans and therapies through Healthshare. They offer a wide range of information and resources for all joint pains, aches and conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system like arthritis.

For self referral to a physiotherapist or specialist please use Healthshare Self Referrals

You can also book in directly for assessment of new joint or muscle symptoms with our Musculoskeletal First Contact Practitioner (a specialist physiotherapist). Please call our reception to book.

Contraception and Sexual Health Services

Contraception (Regular and Emergency) & Family Planning

For your contraception needs we are able to offer a range of services at Shirland Medical including the contraceptive pill and injection.  For other types of contraception (e.g. coils and implants) you can self refer to our local NHS contraception clinics

1. The Jefferis Wing (St Marys Hospital- Paddington) – call 020 3312 1225 or use the online booking

2. The John Hunter Unit (Chelsea & Westminster Hospital- Chelsea) – call 020 3315 4040  or use the online booking

3. SHL (Sexual Health London) offers online consultations for regular and emergency contraception services – register or login

Sexual Health Services

Our self referral linked services providing screening, treatment, support, Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and other specialist clinics are

1. The Jefferis Wing (St Marys Hospital – Paddington)  – call 0203 312 1225 (Monday to Friday 9 – 4.30 pm)

2. The John Hunter Unit (Chelsea & Westminster Hospital – Chelsea) – call 020 3315 4040

3. 56 Dean Street Clinic (Soho) – call 020 3315 5656

4. SHL (Sexual Health London) offer online consultations and postal testing kits – register or login

Change Grow Live: Self Referral for Alcohol Support

Change Grow Live are here to support you

We are a free and confidential alcohol service. We will work with you to create a support plan to help you achieve your goals. We’ll meet you at a convenient venue for you.

Whether you’re looking to stop drinking or just cut down, we’re here to help you make changes. If you have issues with the drinking behaviour of someone else close to you, we can support you.

We always welcome new people, so please do get in touch if you’d like to find out more about how we can help you. Don’t forget to follow us on social media to see what we are up to.

Telephone: 0800 014 7440


Website: Change Grow Live (for information) and Self Referral