Flu Season 2024/25
The practice has been notified by NHSE that we cannot commence the administration of flu vaccines for our over 65 year old’s or at risk patients aged 18-64 years until 3rd October 2024. We will be vaccinating our eligible patients aged 2-3 years, those at risk aged 6 months to 18 years, patients that will be commencing immunosuppressive treatment and pregnant women from mid September. These eligible patients will be contacted in the week commencing 16th September 2024 to book their appointments.
This has been nationally agreed and all practices and pharmacies are expected to follow this new timeline.
If you have any questions regarding this new timeline please contact england.londonimms@nhs.net
For patients that are over 65 years or in the at risk group aged 18-64 years we will start booking the October appointments from the beginning of October. Patients will be contacted in advance to make their appointments.
Please visit the NHS website to read further information on the benefits of the flu vaccine: https://www.nhs.uk/vaccinations/flu-vaccine/