Catchment Area
Our Practice Area for new patients as shown above includes the outer area highlighted in blue.
Registering as a Patient
Please click here to register with us online. This is a simple process that will take around 15 minutes to complete.
Please see our practice leaflet here.
Alternatively, please complete the General Medical Services (GMS1) registration form then call and book an appointment with our Registration Team.
If you have your existing medical card with details of your previous doctor, please bring it with you. If you have lost or misplaced it, don’t worry, we will still be able to register you.
If you are taking repeat medication from your previous doctor, it will assist us if you can bring your repeat medication order form with you.
You do not need proof of identification (ID) to register with a GP, but it might help of you have one or more of the following:
- passport
- birth certificate
- HC2 certificate
- rough sleepers’ identity badge
- hostel or accommodation registration or mail forwarding letter
If you’re homeless, you can give a temporary address, such as a friend’s address, a day centre or the GP surgery address.
New Patient Health Check
You will be offered a new patient health check (at a later date).
Guide to GP Services
The Royal College of General Practitioners has produced a useful guide for patients about the services on offer at GP Surgeries and how to access them.