Child Immunisations
It is important that all children and babies are immunised.
Illnesses such as DIPHTHERIA, TETANUS, POLIO, MEN C and HIB are thankfully rare now, because of recent immunisation policies, but if contracted can be serious or even fatal.
WHOOPING COUGH (PERTUSSIS) is a very distressing illness with severe prolonged coughing and can lead to permanent damage. The risk of vaccination, if indeed there is any, is minute and has certainly been overstated in the past. This has unfortunately resulted in some parents deciding against the vaccination for their children and whooping cough epidemics resulted from this. If you have any worries about this please talk to your Doctor, health visitor or nurse.
MEASLES AND MUMPS are sometimes thought of as childhood ailments, but they can have serious complications. RUBELLA vaccination is important to prevent this disease spreading in the community and affecting the babies of those pregnant women who have not had the immunisation.
Measles, Mumps and Rubella
The leaflet from the UK Health Security Agency explains about measles, mumps and rubella and the MMR vaccination which helps protect against all three diseases.
The NHS vaccination schedule
Checklist of the vaccines that are routinely offered to everyone in the UK on the NHS, including the ages at which they should ideally be given is available on the NHS website.
If you’re not sure whether you or your child have had all your routine vaccinations, ask your GP or practice nurse to find out for you. It may be possible to ‘catch up’ later in life.
Try to make sure you or your child have vaccinations delivered on time to ensure protection against serious communicable diseases.
If you’re going to be away from the GP surgery when a vaccination is due, talk to your doctor. It may be possible to arrange for vaccination at a different location.
Travel Health and Immunisations
Our practice nurses offer a comprehensive travel advice and vaccination service for traveling abroad.
Some travel vaccinations are not available on the NHS but can be provided. Charges are available from reception.