How can we help you?
Routine Appointments
To book a routine appointment you can either:
Call the surgery on 01279 215354 between 8:30am and 6:00pm to speak to one of our Reception Team.
You can submit an appointment request via our online request platform Accurx. This can be found on our homepage or alternatively you can click here submit a new request. These requests are reviewed by the duty GP who will triage your request and advise the team which clinician is best to review you with your query.
If you require a routine appointment out of our normal operating hours, you can request to be booked with the Out Of Hours GP when contacting us. These speciality designated clinics run in the evenings from 6:30 til 9pm and weekends from 8:30am til 4:30pm. You can speak with a member of Reception Team to book.
Emergency Appointments
To request an Emergency Appointment with a Clinician you will need to call the surgery on 01279 215354 to speak with one of our Reception Team from 8:30am. We have a small amount of emergency appointments available and these are first come first serve. Once all emergency appointment slots have been booked for the day you will be advised to call back the following weekday to request again.
Home Visit Appointments
To request a Home Visit from the GP you will need to call the surgery on 01279 215354 from 8am Monday to Friday to speak with a member of our Reception Team.
For you to be eligible for this service, you will need to registered with the Practice as housebound.
Please note that all home visit requests are triaged by the Duty GP and it is their decision if a request is accepted.
Where to go when we aren’t open?
If you require medical help out of our opening hours there are other places you can contact.
Call 999
In a life threatening emergency you will need to call 999.
NHS 111
Check your symptoms, visit NHS 111 online.
Call 111 at any time, 24 hours a day. You will speak to NHS professional staff who will help guide you on any medical issue.
Calls are free from landlines and mobiles.
Local Pharmacy
Your pharmacist can help with various conditions such as minor cuts, sprains, aches, colds, headaches, rashes, cystitis. Pharmacist help, including a local pharmacy search tool.