Back in 2011, the Gables Surgery began participating in Patient Participation Direct Enhanced Service (PPDES). The PPES 2014/15 has changed from previous years and the requirements are different.
The requirements for this Enhanced Service are as follows.
- To develop/maintain a PPG (Patient Participation Group) that gains the views of patients and carers and enables the practice to obtain feedback from the practice population. This is a prerequisite of participation in the Enhanced Service.
Non-urgent advice: PPG and practice staff to review patient feedback received by the practice from sources such as:
– A GP patient survey.
– Reviewing complaints and suggestions, for example in a practice post box or online (NHS Choices), or any other existing practice survey.
– Local voluntary or community groups or existing groups attached to the practice (eg. Healthwatch)
– Practice champions and peer support groups
– Other local surveys arranged by CCGs or Commissioning Support Units (CSU)
– CQC reports
– The FFT (NHS Friends & Family Test)
- This year practices are not required to carry out their own annual patient survey.
The Gables has had a proactive PPG since 1996, and they have worked together with the practice to formulate the Patient Participation Report 2014/15 which contains an action plan, in response to patient feedback in 3 key areas. Please click on the link below to download a copy of the report.
Details of previous year’s surveys can be found and downloaded from below.
Patient Survey Results 2013/14
Back in 2011, the Gables Surgery began participating in the first stage of the Patient Participation Direct Enhanced Service (PPDES).
The PPDES is a Department of Health scheme through which GP practices are asked to actively obtain for the views of their patients in the form of a Local Practice Survey and the establishment of a Patient Representative Group (PRG) to give feedback and to develop an action plan of possible improvements and changes to improve practice services.
Initially the Department of Health commissioned this as a two year scheme to ensure that practices are actively including their patients in decision making, regarding the quality of services and care provided.
Gables Surgery has participated in both 2 years of this scheme so far, and the results for 2011/12 and 2012/13 are still available to view by clicking on the links below.
It was decided by the Department of Health that this scheme would continue for a further year into 2013/14. As in the previous two stages, the same process has been applied. The Local Patient Report containing the findings of the survey and recommendations of the PRG and Practice can be downloaded by clicking on the following link:
For more information on the scheme and to download previous year’s (11/12 & 12/13) reports, please click on the links below.
(You will need Adobe Reader installed on your PC to view this report)
Copies will also be available in the Surgery Waiting Area.
We would like to thank all those in our Patient Reference Group who agreed to take part in the survey!