We provide services to our patients as per GP (GMS) Contract agreement and Primary care network DES with NHS England.
NHS England implemented a number of changes to GP services to drive forward commitments made in the NHS Long Term Plan.
As a General practitioner, we treat all common medical conditions and refer patients to hospitals and other medical services for urgent and specialist treatment.
We focus on the health of the whole person combining physical, psychological and social aspects of care.
Services under The GMS contract
Primary medical services comprise:
- Essential services – green Lane Surgery provides Essential services (or, in PMS, their equivalent) to their registered patients and temporary residents. Essential services cover the:
- Management of patients who are ill or believe themselves to be ill, with conditions from which recovery is generally to be expected, for the duration of that condition, including relevant health promotion advice and referral as appropriate, reflecting patient choice wherever practicable;
- Chronic disease management
- Care of terminally ill and palliative care
- Immunisation – childhood, adults and travel
- Cervical cytology
- Medical health check and health related advice and guidance
- Disease prevention activities
- Improving health care – Quality improvement under QOF targets
- Additional services – Minor surgery – joint injections, Contraception
- Enhanced services – NHS England will commission some Enhanced services nationally using single specifications. This practice actively provide care within ES specifications.
- Community-based services – CCGs may choose to commission these services to reflect local needs and priorities.
Services provided under Primary Care Network DES agreement
Our practice is a part of Barking and Dagenham North Primary Care Network (PCN). PCNs are groups of GP practices working closely together – along with other healthcare staff and organisations – providing integrated services to the local population.
Our practice is actively involved in providing extra service to our patients a joint working with PCN practices and using additional staff employed by PCN.
Some of the services are:
- Enhanced care home services
- Services under Improvement and Impact
- Services provided by clinical pharmacists, social prescriber, physiotherapist, mental health worker and health and care co-ordinator and others
- Covid-19 vaccination from dedicated central hub