Comments, Feedback, and Complaints

Clerkenwell Medical Practice encourages patient involvement in the practice and we welcome any suggestions or ideas you may have regarding how we can improve our service to you. Comments and suggestions can be made in writing, either in our comment box (ask at reception) or addressed to the Practice Manager, Sonata Gaucaite, by post, email, or handed in at reception.

Alternatively you can leaveĀ comments on this website, these will be read and you will receive a reply from the practice.

The practice conducts a yearly patient satisfaction survey in accordance with standard NHS procedures, and the results of this are taken on board, and each year we try to improve our service based on the feedback we receive from you.

If you are interested in improving the service we offer to our patients, you can join our Patient Reference Group, which is a group of patients we consult with on many different matters about the service we provide. If you would be interested in joining the patient reference group, you can ask at reception, by phone, or email to