Patient Participation Group

The PPG works with The Village Practice and patients to help improve services and to ensure the patient voice is heard.

The PPG meets at the invitation of The Village Practice. Made up of different patients from the Practice, the PPG offers advice and support to the Practice from the patients’ perspective.

Members of the PPG are not medical professionals and don’t formally represent any group. Members try to represent the views of patients generally.

The PPG is not a forum for complaints.

What does the PPG do?

The PPG meets every 8 to 12 weeks usually with a few our clinicians and management team. We normally create an agenda based on plans and structure which might be in development. These might include offering advice about future service planning at the Practice and raising issues that are concerning patients.

The PPG also helps with the development of patient information, such as patient data, appointments system and premises issues.

Quote / Testimonial:
If you would like to join our PPG please email Husna our patient services manager on the practice email