Our patients are very important to us and we are continually trying to improve the service our practice provides.
We are currently drawing together a number of people to help us form a Patient Participation Group, commonly known as a PPG. This group will be representative of our patient population and can give us valuable input in how the practice is run. We would like to extend an invitation to you to join.
Join Our PPG
The PPG would aim to meet quarterly twice a Hornsey Rise Health Centre (January & July) and twice with our PCN (October & April). We will send you an invitation once details are confirmed.
If you would like to get involved in the PPG please contact us or request a form at reception.
- Alternatively if you prefer not to join the PPG but would like to have your say about the services we provide, why not join our Virtual Patient Reference Group (PRG) by providing us with your e-mail details so we can contact you about specific issues discussed by the PPG.