Open access appointments
Patients can telephone the surgery from 9:00 am to book a same-day GP appointment. As there are a limited number of these same-day appointments we kindly ask that you only request this if you have an urgent medical problem. By reserving these limited appointments for urgent problems, we can focus on providing timely and efficient care to those who need it the most.
Routine appointments
You can schedule routine appointments up to a month ahead of time for the GP, Nurse, Clinical Pharmacist or Health Care Assistant.
Extended Hours appointments
On Mondays, we offer late appointments (6:30 pm – 8:00 pm) with a GP, Nurse or Health Care Assistant.
Extended appointments
If you feel like you need a longer appointment to discuss a new long-term condition or complex medical issue please ask about booking a double appointment.
Please notify the surgery if you no longer want, or are unable to keep your appointment so that the time can be offered to other patients. Please let us know more than 24 hours before if possible so that someone else can have the appointment.

Appointments can now be made using the NHS App. You can also click the banner above to do a online consultation.