
How can we help you?

  1. Call or get help online now with NHS 111
  2. Get fast help from a Pharmacist
  3. Consult with your Doctor online
  4. Book an appointment online or on the telephone 020 8888 3021

NHS 111

Check your symptoms, visit NHS 111 online.

Call 111 at any time, 24 hours a day. You will speak to NHS professional staff who will help guide you on any medical issue.

Calls are free from landlines and mobiles.

Get fast help from a Pharmacist

Your pharmacist can help with various conditions such as minor cuts, sprains, aches, colds, headaches, rashes, cystitis. Pharmacist help, including a local pharmacy search tool.

Consult with your Doctor online

Answer a few short questions and we will get back to you within 2 working days.
See Consult with your Doctor online for further information.

Evening and Weekend Appointments

Appointments are available evenings or at the weekend.

Need to see a GP or Nurse in the evening or at the weekend?

Appointments are now available for all patients registered with a Haringey Practice.

Monday to Friday        6.30 pm – 8.30 pm

Saturday and Sunday  8.00 am – 8.00 pm

Contact your GP practice or call 0330 053 9499 during the above hub opening hours to book an appointment at one of the four locations.

Please note opening hours vary between Hubs.

  • Somerset Gardens Family Health Centre, 4 Creighton Road, London, N17 8NW
  • Westbury Medical Centre, 205 Westbury Avenue, London, N22 6RX
  • Queenswood Medical Practice, 151 Park Road, London, N8 8JD
  • Bounds Green Group Practice. Gordon Road, London, N11 2PF

You can make an appointment if you are registered at any practice in Haringey. You will be able to see or speak to a local Haringey GP or healthcare professional.


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