Results of tests and investigations
You can telephone the surgery any day after 11:00am for the results of any tests. Please note that the receptionist can only give results to patients once the doctor has checked the results and given authorisation. In most cases, please allow 7 working days for results to be received from the hospital. If a doctor feels it is necessary we will contact you directly.
To avoid errors, the receptionists are not authorised to comment on your results beyond “normal” or “see the doctor/nurse” and cannot give you the actual numerical value of a test. We are advising all of our patients to download the NHS app as this will enable you to view all of your test results.
In order to maintain patient confidentiality, results can only be given to the patient themselves, unless they are under the age of 16 years, or prior arrangements have been made with the patient’s consent.
Tests requested by the hospital consultant?
The results of your blood test will be sent to your hospital consultant, and they will contact you if required or you can contact them. Please do not ring the surgery for your results as we will not have this information.
Please note that we do not print out test results for patients. Test results are available to view on the NHS app. You can download the app below and register to view your medical record.