Healthy Weight Plan Survey

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The East Sussex Healthy Weight Plan explains what the East Sussex Healthy Weight Partnership are collaborating on to get more people in East Sussex living a healthier lifestyle.   

We want to understand what people who live and work in East Sussex think about the Healthy Weight Plan, and about healthy lifestyles in the local area. Urban Foresight are working with us to collect these insights.  

There are two main ways you can share your thoughts: 

  1. Visit our interactive map and let us know what you think about different areas in East Sussex, in relation to food and physical activity. You can leave comments, answer questions, and show people where is it is easier to be healthy, and where needs to improve! 

2. Fill out oursurvey to let us know your thoughts and experiences about healthy weight in East Sussex. 

You can complete just one or both of the above – both of which are completely anonymous. If you would prefer, you can email and we can arrange a conversation instead. 

We appreciate your views and thank you in advance for filling out the survey and getting involved with the map. You can also share this to anyone else you think would be interested in providing their views. All findings will be anonymised and used to shape the East Sussex Healthy Weight plan.  If you have any questions, please contact us at: