In 2019 Primary Care Networks (PCN) were formed with the intention of helping to integrate Primary Care with Secondary Care and Community Services. Seaford Primary Care Network comprises of Seaford Medical Practice and Old School Surgery. The two practices work together for the goals of the PCN but maintain their individual practice status. One of the greatest benefits of the PCN model was the investment from NHS England (NHSE) via the additional roles scheme. NHSE supported Primary Care to develop their workforces through PCN funds with new roles. Some of these roles you will have experienced within the practices: Physiotherapists, Care Co-ordinators, Pharmacists, Social Prescribers, Health and Well-being Coaches to name a few.
Seaford PCN has just started to work more closely with Wave Active and their Health and Well-being coaches in supporting lifestyle changes. We hope this initial pilot, working with a small group of patients, will grow and we can continue working closely with Wave Active and other community services to enhance the health and well-being of the local population.