Workshops for Health

Workshops for mind and body

We are delighted to be involved in a series of new workshops across our Primary Care Network led by Anna Betz who has a special interest in diet and health.

Anna runs a variety of workshops for diabetes prevention, Type 2 diabetes reversal and workshops for physical and mental health.

In the 6 week Virtual Workshops you can learn what you can do to regulate your blood sugar, have more energy, feel good and have fun at the same time.
You will be supported all along the way in figuring out what changes could work for you, learn how to live on a low budget and still eat healthy food. You can also get 1:1 coaching if you find making changes challenging.

Please contact or mob: 07731 584358 for further details

Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

Click here for advice on how it is possible to REVERSE type 2 diabetes with diet and exercise.

Virtual Workshops

Click here for the Virtual Workshops on offer in our area for weight and mental well-being.

Brain Food

Click here for a poster on Healthy Eating.