Maternity / Pregnancy

Women are now able to self-refer for maternity care electronically via the East Kent Hospitals website.

For the best care for women and their babies, we encourage them to self-refer as soon as possible so they can see a midwife and have early screening tests.

Please go to regardless of yout last menstrual period.

Seeing a midwife at an early stage will ensure women are given all the information that they need right from the start to help them make the right choices. There are routine screening tests that need to be carried out by the tenth week of pregnancy, so an early appointment with a midwife will enable them to discuss these tests and plan appropriately. 

The form asks questions about the women, her family and her medical background. 

When you are about 10 weeks pregnant, a midwife will either call or email you to arrange a booking appointment, which usually takes place in the 10th or 11th week of pregnancy.  At this appointment you will also receive details of your 12-week scan.

Please see link above for useful contact numbers.