Contraceptive Services & Sexual Health

We offer a full range of contraceptive services including: the implant, Mirena (intrauterine system), copper coil (intrauterine device), injection, combined pill, progesterone only pill (mini pill), ring, patch, caps and diaphragms, condoms and fertility awareness.

Please submit an econsult to request these or any other contraceptive/sexual health service.

Contraception Choices

What’s right for me?

What’s right for me? | Contraception Choices

Contraceptive methods

Contraceptive methods | Contraception Choices

Get It is a free and confidential service, facilitated by METRO, for young people aged 16-24 to access free condoms, advice on sexual health and/or Chlamydia & Gonorrhoea testing kits online:

Do you feel confident to self-inject?

The Sayana Press contraceptive injection could be for you
Sayana Press (medroxyprogesterone acetate) patient support website. (

Cervical Screening (Smear) Tests

Cervical screening (smear) tests are offered to everyone who has a cervix and is between the ages of 25 and 65. Further information on this, including how often smears are offered, can be found on the NHS website and on the Jo’s trust website. You can book an appointment for a smear test with one of our Nursing Team by completing an ‘Administrative Queries’ econsult or by contacting Reception.

We understand that you may feel apprehensive about having a smear test or that you may have questions or concerns. Please feel free to book an appointment with a practice nurse to discuss these.  

STI Testing

Did you know our Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) testing service is available for people over the age of 16 with no symptoms of infection, who live in the borough of Bexley. For information on STI symptoms please click here: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) – NHS (

Our simple home testing kits require either a urine or a vaginal swab sample and full instructions are included in the kit. If you would like to request an STI screening kit please submit an econsult under the heading ‘General Advice’ or speak with a member of our Reception Team. 

We will send you your results via SMS test message. You will be notified as soon as your results are ready, usually within 7 working days of us receiving your sample. 

Abortion Advice

You may choose to speak with a GP/clinical practitioner or self refer to the services listed below,

National Unplanned Pregnancy Advisory Service (NUPAS) – – 0333 004 6666 

Bexley Sexual Health: Abortion Appointments

Abortion (Termination of Pregnancy) | Patient