MyChart App for patients and carers at Guys, St Thomas’ and Kings College Hospital NHS foundation trusts.

Posted by: Stock Hill Medical Centre - Posted on:


Introducing the MyChart App for Patients and Carers at Guys, St Thomas’, and Kings College Hospital NHS foundation Trusts.

MyChart is an App, an online portal, that can be used on a mobile, tablet or computer. MyChart let’s patients securely and easily access the hospital health record giving them more control of their care. Patients will be invited to sign up to MyChart if they are referred to or having care at hospitals and community services that are part of Guys, St Thomas, or King’s Trusts.

MyChart text message – invitation to sign up.

Patients may have been sent a text message about completing their sign up to MyChart that includes an activation link. We send these messages to patients receiving care with us.

About MyChart

MyChart is a new app and online service that makes accessing your health record easier. You can use MyChart on your mobile, tablet or computer. MyChart allows you to access your health record securely and easily, giving you more control over your care.

With MyChart, you will be able to:

find test results and letters in one, easy place.

get more time in appointments by telling us what we need to know beforehand.

save time travelling by having a video appointment.

keep your medical information up to date.

share your health record with your GP.

support your friends and family by helping to manage their healthcare.

Who can use MyChart?

MyChart is available to patients having care at any of our locations, including:

Beckenham Beacon

Evelina London Children’s Hospital

Guy’s Hospital

Harefield Hospital

King’s College Hospital

Princess Royal University Hospital

Orpington Hospital

Queen Mary’s Hospital, Sidcup

Royal Brompton Hospital

St Thomas’ Hospital

community health centres

at home

If you do not use MyChart you will continue to get letters and calls from your healthcare team.

Children and young people

Children under 12 cannot have their own MyChart account.

Young people aged 13 to 18 years old can ask their healthcare team for an account at their next appointment.

Parents and carers of a child or young person

If you are a parent or carer of someone under 18 having care at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, you can ask for a proxy access account. Speak to your child’s healthcare team at their next appointment.

Carers of adult patients

If you care for an adult patient, you can ask their healthcare team for a proxy access account.

Get help with MyChart.

If you need help, we’re here for you. Contact the MyChart patient helpdesk.

At Kings:

Phone: 020 3299 4618 – Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Outside of these hours, please leave a message and a member of the team will get back to you. Or email

At Guys and St Thomas’

Phone: 020 7188 8803 – Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Outside of these hours, please leave a message and a member of the team will get back to you. Or email

For more information visit: MyChart | King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (