Local Services
Bromley Adult Social Services:
Please see below website link for information about Bromley Adult social services.
You can contact by calling: 020 8461 7777 or emailing: adult.early.intervention@bromley.gov.uk
Alternatively, you can complete online assessment form:
Bromley council service directory:
Please see below website link for Bromley Council directory of services.
You can request hard copy to be sent via post by emailing: health.partnership@bromley.gov.uk
Living Well Bromley:
Holy Trinity Church, 66 Lennard Road, London, SE20 7LX (NO referral or food bank voucher needed)
Bromley council – Housing options team:
You can self-refer by calling: 0208 461 7721 alternatively, you can complete online assessment form available on website.
Bromley Homeless Advice service:
You can self-refer by calling: 020 8460 0042 or just drop into United Reformed church, 20 Widmore Road, in Bromley BR1 1RY Mon-Fri 10 am-4 pm.
Bromley Well:
Please see below website link about Bromley Well – supporting health, wellbeing and independence.
You can self-refer by calling: 0808 278 7898 or emailing: spa@bromleywell.org.uk
Bromley Well – Carer service:
Please see below information regarding support available for carers within Bromley.
You can self-refer by calling: 0808 278 7898 or emailing: spa@bromleywell.org.uk
Bromley Well – Mental health & wellbeing service:
You can self-refer by calling: 0808 278 7898 or emailing: spa@bromleywell.org.uk
Bromley Mind:
You can self-refer by calling: 020 8289 5020 or emailing: recovery.works@blgmind.org.uk
Talk together Bromley:
Please see below information regarding NHS funded talking therapy for anyone registered with GP practice.
You can self-refer by calling: 0300 003 3000 alternatively, you can complete online self-referral form available via website.
West Meria Low cost counselling:
You can self-refer by calling: 020 8467 9693 or emailing: enquiries@westmeriacounselling.co.uk
Bromley community counselling service:
You can self-refer by calling: 0208 460 7711 or emailing: contact@bccs.uk.com
BACP – Find private counsellor:
Please see below website link for British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy:
You can find a list of private experienced, accredited counsellors within your local area.
Oxleas 24 hour crisis helpline:
Mental Health Crisis Line: 0800 330 8590 (24 hour service)
Bromley Y:
You can self-refer by calling: 020 3770 8848 or emailing: broccg.bromleyy@nhs.net alternatively, you can complete self-referral form available on website.
St. Christopher’s Bromley Bereavement service:
Please see below information regarding St. Christopher’s Bereavement service for anyone registered by Bromley GP practice. You can access 12 sessions of bereavement counselling.
You can self-refer by calling: 020 8768 4599 alternatively, please see attached leaflet regarding face-to-face bereavement help points within Bromley.
Bromley Well – Long term health conditions:
You can self-refer by calling: 0808 278 7898 or emailing: spa@bromleywell.org.uk
Bromley Dementia Hub:
You can self-refer by calling: 020 3328 0366 or emailing: bromley@dementiahub.org.uk
Parkinsons UK:
You self-refer by calling: 0808 800 0303 or emailing: hello@parkinsons.org.uk
Macmillan cancer support:
You can call helpline: 0808 239 6962
Fresh start exercise programmes:
You can self-refer by calling: 020 8290 4000 or emailing: exercise.referral@mytimeactive.co.uk
Crystal Palace physiotherapy service:
You can self-refer by calling: 020 8778 9050 alternatively, you can complete self-referral form available on website.
CSP – Find a private physiotherapy service:
You can find a list of private physiotherapy services within your local area.
Bromley Children Project:
You self-refer by calling: 020 8461 7259 or emailing: bcpadmin@bromley.gov.uk alternatively, you can complete online self-referral available on website.
Bromley Mindful Mum’s:
You can self-refer by calling: 07935 073625 or emailing: mindfulmums@blgmind.org.uk
Being Dad:
You can self-refer by calling: 07704 536424 / 07764 967933 or emailing: beingdad@blgmind.org.uk
Bromley Well – Employment support:
You can self-refer by calling: 0808 278 7898 or emailing: spa@bromleywell.org.uk
Community Links Bromley:
You can book a confidential 1:1 appointment by calling: 0208 315 1930 or emailing: dianed@communitylinksbromley.org.uk
Bromley Age UK – Befriending service:
You can self-refer by calling: 020 8315 1850
Bromley & Croydon’s Women’s Aid:
You can self-refer by calling: 020 8313 9303 or emailing: info@bcwa.org.uk
Bromley Relate:
You can self-refer by calling: 0300 0300 111
Bromley Drug & Alcohol service:
You can self-refer by calling: 020 8289 1999
Primary Care Gambling service:
You can self-refer by calling: 0300 0300 111 alternatively, you can complete self-referral form available via website.