Useful Contacts

NHS 111111
Out of Hours Service (EMDOC)020 8676 3263
Beckenham Minor Injuries Unit01689 866037
Bromley Primary Care Trust01689 853339
Croydon NHS Walk-in Centre020 8714 2888
Princess Royal University Hospital01689 863000
Lewisham Hospital020 8333 3000
Mayday Hospital020 8401 3000
Queen Mary’s Hospital, Sidcup020 8302 2678
Social Services (Anerley)020 8659 2131
Community Mental Health Services020 8659 2151
Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS)0800 389 5118
Carers Bromley NHS0800 015 7700
Bromley Alcohol Advisory Service01689 828075
BAIS (Drug advisory service)020 8313 9696
Registrar of Births and Deaths020 8313 4666
Bromley Safeguarding Children’s Board 
Adult Safeguarding