
Posted by: amandab - Posted on:

The NHS are always looking for innovative ways to deliver high quality services in effective ways.

Addington Road Surgery are part of the Hayeswick PCN who are providing additional services in practice to improve patient access to healthcare.  We now have a First Contact Physiotherapist working with the practice.

If you think you have a problem affecting your joints, muscles, or nerves (such as back pain or a sports injury) then physiotherapists are experts in this field.  They will assess your condition and provide you with the best advice.  Once you understand the condition then it can be managed.  This may be with exercises and advice or you may be referred onto other services for investigations or other clinical support.

This service is designed so that you get an appointment more quickly and that you speak to the best person.  It also makes sure that GP’s can concentrate on patients with more complex medical conditions – giving better use of NHS resources.

Our reception staff may offer you an appointment with the physiotherapist when you call the surgery in the first instance. You can also request an appointment in this clinic at the point of booking.