Once you find out you are pregnant you can self-refer yourself for antenatal care in Bromley by filling in the PRUH antenatal self-referral form.
When you open the form please click ‘Enable Editing’ at the top so you can fill in the form; please send completed forms as a Word attachment to kch-tr.br-maternitypruh@nhs.net.
You will receive an email with your appointment details within 7 working days, if you have not received your appointment within 7 working days, please call 020 3910 7279, 8am to 4pm.
Please note you may be contacted and your information shared with other health professionals as required.
Alternatively, you can call the Surgery and book an appointment with a GP who will also be able to refer you for antenatal care.
Visit www.nct.org.uk for more information on pregnancy, birth and early parenthood.