Children’s Health
Childhood and Teenage Mental Health
If you are worried about your child’s mental health you are welcome to visit your GP who will be able to advise about support to help both you and your child. There are a range of talking therapies which are highly effective in dealing with many child and teenage problems. For more information on these therapies please view the NHS Talking Therapy Guide.
Alternatively it is also possible for Parents to self-refer children to the Bromley Community wellbeing service for children and young people. which is the same service that your GP would refer to. This service covers a wide variety of problems including Anxiety & Depression, Bullying, sexual identity, conflict with parents, Panic attacks, eating difficulties, Behavioural problems, Attention Deficit (ADHD), Phobias and social/communication issues as well as many other problem. For a full list please visit their website.
Other Useful links
- Barnardo’s Mental Health Support for children and adolescents
- Mind- Mental Health Charity
- Sane – Mental Health Support
- Rethink Mental Illness
Health Visitor Contacts
The health visiting team can provide support. Our Practice is covered by both the Bromley and Sevenoaks health visiting teams and your allocation is dependant upon which council tax area your property is in. Links to both health visiting teams can be found here:
Childhood Immunisations
Please see our vaccinations page
Neo-natal Checks
Some newborn babies are released from hospital without a detailed examination. If this is the case, our GPs are happy to perform the relevant checks, either in the surgery, or in the comfort of your own home, depending on which is easier for you.
In most cases, the Practice will contact new mums to arrange for this to happen, on rare occasions where we are unaware of the birth, please feel free to give us a call and arrange an appointment or visit.
Local support
Please have a look through the menu below of various local services available. Many are Charities or local NHS facilities that patients can self-refer to. You don’t need a referral from your GP.
If you have any queries or need some help (particularly if you are a Carer) please contact our Patient Liaison Officer, Andrea Wiles. The best way to do this is by using the ‘I want Administrative help’ section of our eConsult tool so you receive a written reply usually within 24 hours. Alternatively phone Reception on 01689 850012.
You may also find some useful links and numbers of local Bromley services in the “Useful links and Telephone numbers” section
Addiction (Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling)
Primary Care Gambling Service
The Primary Care Gambling Service is working in partnership with GamCare to provide integrated support services to anyone experiencing gambling harms across South London.
They offer a range of support which can be provided face-to-face, online or over the phone. They can support gamblers as well as those who are affected by the gambling behaviour of a family member or friend. All of their services are free of charge and confidential.
Understanding the role gambling plays in your life can be the first step in making changes to reduce the harm it causes. It is unlikely that there will be a single answer, and you may need a combination of strategies to make lasting changes. You are more likely to be successful if you have support from others.
If you are affected by someone else’s gambling, there is a range of support available to you. They can help you understand why people gamble despite the negative consequences, as well as helping you work through your thoughts and feelings about your own situation.
They offer a range of short- and longer-term interventions, either over the phone, face-to-face or online. You may receive one-to-one support, or you may take part in group courses where you can meet others in similar situations.
Contact Details:
Gordon Moody
We provide advice, education and high quality innovative therapeutic support to problem gamblers and those affected by problem gambling, through residential, online and outreach services. We also run a unique service offering online support and advice to problem gamblers outside Great Britain.
Contact Details:
Bromley Drug and Alcohol Service
Bromley Drug and Alcohol Service (BDAS) offers a range of treatment and support services for adults aged 18+ who have concerns about their drug or alcohol use and are residents in the borough of Bromley.
Contact Details:
Bromley Well
Bromley Third Sector Enterprise brings together many years of local experience and expertise to the Bromley Well Service.
Bromley Third Sector Enterprise is made up of Age UK Bromley & Greenwich, Bromley, Lewisham & Greenwich & Lewisham Mind, Bromley Mencap, Citizens Advice Bromley, Community Links Bromley and a growing number of Associate Member organisations.
Contact Details:
Telephone: 0808 278 7898
Bromley Mencap
Bromley Mencap’s continuous action on behalf of disabled people, their parents and carers, is based on the principle that their clients have a need and right to live like others in the community, and to have a reasonable quality of life. To fulfill these aims, we employ a Chief Executive and a team of full and part time staff which is supported by a loyal group of volunteers.
We provide a range of services and activities for disabled people, and their parents and carers.
Contact Details
Bromley Parent Voice
Bromley Parent Voice (BPV) is a voluntary group of parents and carers of children and young people (0-25) with special/additional needs and disabilities (SEND) living in the London Borough of Bromley:
We provide an opportunity for parents and carers to express their views and input into the planning and delivery of SEND services.
We signpost, support and empower families to obtain the best possible support and services for their children.
Contact Details
Bromley Youth Council
Bromley Youth Council is a borough-wide body run by and for young people aged 11-19 (up to 25 for young people with disabilities). Young people are elected to represent their peers through annual youth elections in the borough. The youth council has close links with schools, youth services and other representative bodies of young people.
Bromley Youth Council enables young people to have a say in how local services are organised and connects them with local democracy. The Youth Council meets regularly to discuss issues which are relevant to young people in Bromley and works to influence policy and development within the local authority on behalf of young people.
Contact Details
Bromley Y is a long established local charity offering free therapeutic support to young people between the ages of 0 – 18 years. Bromley Y aims to provide a safe, friendly environment for children, young people and their families to explore the difficulties that they may be experiencing, helping them to identify new ways forward.
We aim to provide the highest quality, non-discriminatory service for young people and their families who live in Bromley or who are registered with a Bromley GP surgery.
Contact Details
Health Visiting Service – Oxleas
Bromley health visiting service is here to support you and your family during your children’s earliest years.
The health visiting service is there for you from the time that you are 28 weeks pregnant with your first baby, until your last little one goes off to school.
These pages are packed with information to help you find all that you need to give your family a healthy lifestyle and support your baby’s development from the very beginning.
To find out more on the health visiting service please click the website link below.
Contact Details
Scouts 9th West Wickham Special Needs
Scouting helps our young improve their key skills, including social skills, teamwork ability, leadership ability and confidence. Our volunteers also enjoy the benefits of Scouting by learning new skills, making new friends and enjoying a social life with a purpose. There are hundreds of different volunteer roles on offer, from management positions, running activities to behind the scenes roles like driving the minibus or painting and decorating.
Our varied and exciting programme offers hundreds of activities, from camping and hiking to surfing and paragliding. Young people can also achieve their badges in such diverse subjects as PR, electronics and entertainment.
Contact Details
Toddler Sense
Toddler Sense introduces a whole new world of adventure for toddlers and children. Great music, great equipment and great new ideas! Imagine climbing a snow mountain, going on safari, digging for fossils, swimming with dolphins and hunting for dinosaurs? Every week introduces a whole new adventure. The main emphasis is on mobility, excitement and adventure. It is a fast-moving, action-packed programme. Toddler Sense is very different to Baby Sensory, but equally addictive.
Contact Details
Bromley My Life
Bromley MyLife offers trusted information and advice from Bromley Council to help people who live in Bromley to live their lives better – including care and health, fostering and adoption, learning, and parenting support.
Contact Details:
Bromley Well
Bromley Third Sector Enterprise brings together many years of local experience and expertise to the Bromley Well Service.
Bromley Third Sector Enterprise is made up of Age UK Bromley & Greenwich, Bromley, Lewisham & Greenwich & Lewisham Mind, Bromley Mencap, Citizens Advice Bromley, Community Links Bromley and a growing number of Associate Member organisations.
Contact Details:
Telephone: 0808 278 7898
Learning Disability and Autism
Choice Support Autism
On 1 January 2019, mcch (formerly Burgess Autistic Trust), merged with the charity Choice Support. Our services stay the same, although we are now called Choice Support. Here at Choice Support Autism we are specialists in autism and autism spectrum conditions (ASC). We offer a range of services to adults across the autism spectrum including social clubs, 1:1 support and supported living
Contact Details:
Website: choice-support-autism
Mental Health
Advocacy for Bromley
Advocacy for Bromley is made up of 2 organisations that specialise in a variety of advocacy services for the London Borough of Bromley. We are independent from the NHS and the Local Authority.
An Advocate helps someone to talk about their needs and wishes. Advocates listen to people and help them to have their voices heard. Advocates represent people who need support to make sure that decisions are made in their best interests.
Contact Details:
Bromley, Lewisham & Greenwich Mind
Bromley, Lewisham & Greenwich Mind works alongside people with mental health needs and dementia, to improve their quality of life.
Contact Details:
Talk Together Bromley
Talk together Bromley: Improving Access to Psychological Therapies is a free NHS evidence-based talking therapy service for people aged 18 years and over, who are anxious, stressed, have low mood or suffer from depression.
They provide a range of treatment programmes including one-to-one therapy, counselling and group work. At least one in four of us will experience mental health problems at some stage in our lives. Problems such as anxiety, low mood, stress and worry can happen for many reasons. It’s important to remember that there are people who can help you.
If you are registered with a Bromley GP and would like support from Talk together Bromley you can refer yourself by either by calling 0300 003 3000 or completing our online self-referral form.
Contact Details:
Kooth is a web-based confidential support service available to young people. Kooth provides a safe and secure means of accessing mental health and wellbeing support designed specifically for young people.
Kooth offers young people the opportunity to have a text-based conversation with a qualified counsellor. Counsellors are available from 12noon to 10pm on weekdays and 6pm to 10 pm at weekends, every day of the year on a drop-in basis. Young people can access regular booked online counselling sessions as needed. Outside counselling hours’ young people can message our team and get support by the next day.
When young people register with Kooth they will have support available to them now and in the future. Support can be gained not only through counselling but articles, forums and discussion boards. All content is age-appropriate, clinically approved and fully moderated.
Contact details:
Older People
Bromley & Greenwich Age UK
We’re a local charity working in the community to support older people, their families and carers.
Contact Details:
Biggin Hill Community Care Association
We provide services, support and activities for older people living in Biggin Hill and the surrounding areas. Biggin Hill is situated in the London Borough of Bromley.
We offer a wide range of services to help keep local people over 50 independent and involved in a sociable Day Centre or Lunch Club or in a wide range of group activities.
Contact Details:
Bromley Friendship Centre
We meet every 2nd Wednesday of each month on the 4th Floor Hall of Bromley Central Library – 1.30 p.m.for 2.00 p.m. We normally have a speaker and end with a cup of tea and a biscuit. Regular activities include lunches, outings and theatre visits.
Please visit our website. We are affiliated to the Friendship Centre Federation. As our name suggests we are friendly and welcoming to new members. Your first meeting is free so please come along to the next meeting if you are interested.
Contact Details:
Penge Over Sixties Network
To reduce the feeling of loneliness and isolation in the elderly and disabled senior citizens of Penge by providing regular social activities, and to promote the sense of wellbeing by providing health and welfare advice.
Contact Details:
Physical Disability
Parkinson’s Bromley
Parkinson’ s Bromley offer information, friendship and support to local people with Parkinson’s, their families and carers.
We also organise regular events and social activities.
Contact Details:
Kent Association for the Blind
Kent Association for the Blind is your local charity providing a wide range of support for people whose sight loss affects their daily lives to help them stay independent, safe and mobile.
Our specialist team in Bromley can assess your needs, provide you with essential equipment and information about your eye condition, teach you skills to help you remain independent, give you specialist technology training and advice about benefits, and they can refer you to local clubs and social groups. All services are free of charge and are provided in partnership with the London Borough of Bromley.
Contact Details
Telephone: 0208 464 8406
Bromley Heart Support Group
Our sessions are open to Bromley patients who have previously or are currently suffering from heart problems and would like advice and guidance on how to better manage their condition. Our sessions are held quarterly and usually consist of two talks by experts on various heart-related topics, followed by a Q&A session.
Contact Details:
Bromley Diabetes Support Group
We are a local family support group for people with diabetes, available to give non-medical advice and support, Regular meetings with guest speakers and events are held.
Contact Details:
Primary Care Networks
In early 2019 following the publication of the NHS Long Term Plan, a number of reforms to the GP contract were announced including a mandate to develop Primary Care Networks (PCNs) across all local areas.
Primary Care Networks are defined as groups of GP practices covering a population of 30,000–50,000 patients that are geographically contiguous and provide whole population healthcare to ‘natural’ communities. Led by a Clinical Director/s selected from within the Primary Care Network member practices, the role of the PCN is intended to:
a) deliver integrated working with community, mental health and other health and social care providers, who will also be operating across the same geographical footprint
b) offer extended access at scale, including GP, nurse and online consultations
c) deliver the seven Long Term Plan service specifications (medication reviews; care homes; CVD; proactive care; personalised care; early cancer; and tackling inequalities)
d) host a number of additional new roles in general practice (clinical pharmacists, physiotherapists, physicians associates, social prescribers and paramedics)
e) deliver other projects as determined by the Primary Care Network to improve their resilience and quality of care for patients
Primary Care Networks will receive new investment directly of approximately £1.1m across Bromley plus subsidies for leadership and the new roles.
As a bottom up approach, general practices have agreed their own configurations based on their geographies, priorities and relationships. All 45 GP practice across 48 sites in Bromley have been included within the Primary Care Networks, achieving 100% population coverage.
In Bromley, we now have eight Primary Care Networks which were approved by NHS England ahead of the ‘go live’ date of 1st July 2019.
The eight PCNs and their Clinical Directors, all of whom are GPs, are:
1. The Crays Collaborative: Dr. Bushra Yousuf and Dr. Maya Lasrado
2. Penge: Dr. Alka Sharma
3. Orpington: Dr. Claire Riley and Dr. Prema Ravi
4. Beckenham: Dr. Zia Buckhoree and Dr. Christopher Holdridge
5. HayesWick: Joseph Oseghale
6. MDC Network: Dr. Chris Fatoyinbo and Dr. Michael Choong
7. Five Elms: Dr. Taraq Waheed
8. Bromley Connect: Dr. Emma Ryan, Dr Addo Djangmah and Dr. Natasha Hoare
A map of the eight Bromley Primary Care Networks together with the numbers and name of the GP practices within each PCN and the patient list size as of 1st April 2019, can be found by clicking on the link below.
Further information about Primary Care Networks across South East London can be found here.
Safeguarding adults
Are you concerned about the safety of an adult? Please see the Bromley Council Safeguarding adults page to report your concern here.
Sexual Health
Sexual Health London
Sexual Health London (SHL) is London’s sexual health e-service that provides free and easy access to sexual health testing via the internet and local venues. The service is available to people aged 16 and over who are residents in most Boroughs of London. The following boroughs have chosen not to participate in SHL: Hillingdon, Hounslow, Sutton, Croydon and Greenwich. The service provides testing for a range of sexually transmitted infections including chlamydia, gonorrhoea, HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and hepatitis C via samples you can collect at home.
Contact details
Contraception Clinics in Bromley (mon – sat) and there are five clinics in Bromley located:
- Beckenham Beacon Monday, Tuesday and Friday
- Eldred Drive (Orpington) Monday
- Mottingham Wednesday
- Orpington Hospital Thursday
- Phoenix Centre (Bromley – under 25’s clinic) Saturday
Contact details
Social Prescribing
What is social prescribing?
Many things affect our health and wellbeing. GPs tell us that people visit them feeling isolated, lonely or stressed by work, money and housing problems. Sometimes it’s the stress of managing different long-term conditions.
That’s where social prescribing comes in. It starts with a conversation with your doctor or another person in the practice team, who then refers you to a social prescribing link worker.
What does a link worker do?
The link worker will listen to you and put you in touch with the people and activities that might help you to feel better. Your link worker might introduce you to a community group, a new activity or a local club. Or help you find benefits advice or debt counselling. They can help you find information and guidance: a bit of inside knowledge on your situation or what local resources there are. They could even support you to create something new such as a gardening club, walking group, or book club.
Supporting you manage your health and wellbeing
Bromley link workers are trained in Health Coaching and Motivational Interviewing and can use these skills to support you to make changes to help you manage your health and wellbeing. They can support you for as long as it takes to make the change.
Helping you feel better
Social prescribing can help you to have more control over your own health and find ways to improve how you feel in a way that suits you. Studies show that people get better and feel better faster than those treated with medicine alone. And because it works, it’s happening more and more – including here in Bromley.
How to Make an Appointment
If you would like to book an appointment with your social prescribing link worker, ask your GP or speak to a member of the practice staff.
For more information about social prescribing visit
Useful links and Telephone numbers
The websites listed below are outside the control of the Medical Centre and we cannot accept any responsibility for their content.
- Bromley Clinical Commissioning Group
- Self Help Leaflets
- Princess Royal University Hospital Tel: 01689 863000
- Orpington Hospital 01689 863000
- Genito-urinary Medicine Clinic, Beckenham Hospital Tel: 01689 866622 or 01689 866623
- Samaritans (24 hr emotional support for anyone in crisis) Tel: 08457 90 90 90
- Bromley Drug & Alcohol Services (BDAS) Tel: 020 8289 1999
- Changes (Bromley Young Peoples Drug and Alcohol Service) Tel: 020 8289 1999
- Bromley MIND Tel: 01689 811222
- Bromley Y
- The Village – Physiotherapy Clinic
- Talk Together Bromley
- Bromley Dementia Support Hub
- ERIC – The Children’s Bowel and Bladder charity
- Reading Well- supports you to understand and manage your health.
- Bromley’s local LGBT youth service
Carer’s Page
Please complete the Carers Identification Form to advise us that you are a Carer
You may also find the Carers Information sheet helpful which contains information about being a Carer
This page has been put together by GSGMC to advise you of local community services. We hope this information will help you to choose the best services for you and your needs.
If you need more specific help please contact Andrea Wiles, our Patient Liaison Officer on 01689 850012 or use the ‘I want administrative help’ section of our online eConsult service.
Social Services – Self referral – 0208 461 7777 – Provide affordability assessment and can arrange home help also can provide assistance with placing a love one into a care home .
An excellent resource with lots of useful information and support is available on the Carers uk website.
Private Home care available: Many care companies can provide a tailor made service to suit all needs.
Attenders Allowance – Applying for financial help for your personal care if your disabled and state pension age or older
Wiltshire Farm Foods – Deliver prepared meals to your door – 0800 077 3100 Ordering is also available to purchase online
Blue Badge Application A family member or friend can apply for this application on your behalf.
Hospital Transport – Can only be booked 5 days in advance. Denmark Hill appointments 0203 299 8000 – PRUH. Orpington, Beckenham Beacon and Queen Mary’s Hospital 0203 299 6886
Problems Managing Medication? Medication Optimisation Service (MOS). A pharmacy technician employed by Bromley Health Care (BHC) will visit you at home to assess your concerns and will make recommendations for the best way to support your needs. Please talk to GSGMC regarding referral
Occupational Therapy – Will assist with mobility aids around your home also they can provide recommendations with various equipment and how it should be used. Please talk to GSGMC regarding referral
Age UK 0208 315 1850 – Many activities and events from Men in sheds to Art Classes. They also offer a wide range of support i.e. befriending services and Information advise.
Bromley Well 0300 330 9030 – Handy person to Form Filling Service Please check their website for various services.
Dementia Hub 0203 328 0366 – Advice and Support and support for Carers.
Cancer Screening
We offer a range of clinics and services here at Green Street Green Medical Centre to help with cancer screening.
Bowel Cancer
Bowel cancer is a term used to describe cancer in the colon, rectum or the small bowel.
The symptoms of bowel cancer can include:
- Bleeding from the back passage (rectum) or blood in your stools
- A change in normal bowel habits to diarrhoea or looser stools, lasting longer than 4 to 6 weeks
- A lump that your doctor can feel in your back passage or abdomen (more commonly on the right side)
- A feeling of needing to strain in your back passage (as if you needed to pass a bowel motion)
- Losing weight
- Pain in your abdomen or back passage
- A lower than normal level of red blood cells (anaemia)
Because bowel tumours can bleed, cancer of the bowel often causes a shortage of red blood cells. This is called anaemia and may cause tiredness and sometimes breathlessness.
Bowel cancer screening
How do I get a screening kit?
If you are aged 60-69 years, you will be sent your screening invitation automatically through the post. All you need to do is make sure that your GP has your correct address.
‘People aged 70 years and over or under the age of 60, who wish to be screened, should request a kit. Simply telephone the free helpline on 0800 707 60 60.’
Macmillan Cancer Support
Have questions about cancer? Visit or call 0808 808 000 free (Monday to Friday 9am – 8pm).
Breast Screening
The National Breast Screening Programme was introduced in 1988 as an early detection service for breast cancer. It states that all women who are aged between 50 – 70 years of age will be routinely invited for free breast screening every three years. The programme is very successful and currently saves around 1,400 lives per year.
Breast screening aims to find breast cancer at an early stage, often before there are any symptoms. To do this, an x-ray is taken of each breast (mammogram). Early detection may often mean simpler and more successful treatment. When women are invited for their mammogram depends on which GP they are registered with, not when their birthday is.
The screening office runs a rolling programme which invites women by area. The requirement is that all women will receive their first invitation before their 53rd birthday, but ideally when they are 50. If you are under 50 and concerned about any aspect of breast care, please contact the surgery to make an appointment with your GP.
Cervical screening test
Cervical screening, or smear test, is a method of detecting abnormal (pre-cancerous) cells in the cervix in order to prevent cervical cancer. The cervix is the entrance to the womb from the vagina. Cervical screening is recommended every three years for women aged 25 to 49 and every five years for women aged 50 to 64 or more frequently if smear results indicates abnormal changes.
Cervical screening is not a test for cancer; it is a test to check the health of the cells of the cervix. Most women’s test results show that everything is normal, but for 1 in 20 women the test will show some abnormal changes in the cells of the cervix.
Most of these changes will not lead to cervical cancer and the cells may go back to normal on their own. However, in some cases, the abnormal cells need to be treated to prevent them becoming cancerous.
Our nurses are qualified to carry out cervical screening and tests in the form of cervical smears. In order to have a cervical smear the patient must have received a letter requesting that they have a cervical smear and the appointment must please be made for when the patient is not menstruating.
These appointments typically take around 15 minutes. For any further information or to book an appointment, please call the surgery.
Useful links
Men’s Health
We offer a range of clinics and services here at Green Street Green Medical Centre to support men’s health and help maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer usually develops slowly, so there may be no signs you have it for many years.
Symptoms often only become apparent when your prostate is large enough to affect the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the penis).
When this happens, you may notice things like an increased need to urinate, straining while urinating and a feeling your bladder has not fully emptied.
However, these signs do not mean you have prostate cancer. It is more likely they are caused by something else, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (also known as BPH or prostate enlargement). If you have persistent symptoms please make an appointment with your GP. You may find it more convenient and faster to ask for a telephone appointment initially.
What is the prostate?
The prostate is a small gland in the pelvis found only in men. About the size of a Satsuma, it is located between the penis and the bladder. It surrounds the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the penis.
The main function of the prostate is to help in the production of semen. It produces a thick white fluid that is mixed with the sperm produced by the testicles, to create semen.
Testicular Cancer
Although still rare compared to other cancers, testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men aged between 15-45 years with around 2,200-2,300 men being diagnosed each year. It is more common in Caucasian males.
If found at an early stage a cure rate of 98% is usually possible and even when testicular cancer has spread to other areas of the body cure can still be achieved. In fact according to recent research overall 96% of men diagnosed with any stage testicular cancer will be alive 10 years after treatment.
It is important to visit your GP as soon as you notice any lump or swelling on your testicle. Your GP will examine your testicles to help determine whether or not the lump is cancerous.
The earliest warning signs of testicular cancer usually include the following:
- A change in size or shape of a testicle.
- Swelling or thickening of a testicle.
- A firm, smooth, initially painless, slow-growing lump or hardness in a testicle.
- A feeling of testicular heaviness.
Useful links
- Orchid – Fighting Male Cancer
- Your Privates – Testicular Cancer Awareness
- NHS Choices – Testicular Cancer
Sexual Health
Please see our sexual health pages for lots of useful information about where to seek help if you have a concern or problem.
Bladder and bowel problems
If you are experiencing problems with your bladder or bowel you can self refer to the Bromley Bladder and Bowel service or, of course, make an appointment with your GP. This service is mainly for patients with continence problems.
Male Pattern Baldness
Male-pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss, affecting 6.5 million men in the UK.
It generally starts with a little thinning of the hair, followed by wider hair loss, allowing more of the scalp to become visible.
For a few men, this process starts as early as the late teens. By the age of 60, most men have some degree of hair loss.
Some men aren’t troubled by this at all. Others, however, suffer great emotional distress associated with a lack of self-esteem and, in some cases, depression.
Useful links
Domestic Violence
The following websites contain much information both nationally and in Bromley of services available. You can of course also make an appointment with your GP.
London Borough of Bromley – Domestic vIolence
UK Men’s Shed’s association
This is a male specific support organisation that helps to reduce loneliness and isolation.
Sexual Health & Contraception
We provide advice on all forms of contraception including the oral contraceptive pill and patch, injection, coils and implants. We can also refer for vasectomy and sterilisation. If you would like to discuss starting contraception or have any queries regarding your current contraception please book a telephone appointment with a doctor or an online consultation. If you would like a repeat prescription of a pill and require a pill check appointment please book this with a nurse. Our nurses also give the contraceptive injection once a doctor has agreed for you to start it. Our Receptionists will be able to help guide you as to what type of appointment is required.
We can fit the coil (routinely) and the implant at the surgery as well as removing them. These appointments are booked after an initial telephone consultation has taken place and are subject to availability. You can also self-refer to the local contraception service for the fitting of coils and implants at Sexual Health Bromley. This a community-based early intervention service focused on improving sexual health within Bromley. It provides a whole range of sexual health services including Telephone consultations and a ‘Walk in and wait’ Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinic. Full details on their website.
Emergency Contraception
This is available from local pharmacies or can be prescribed by the practice. Emergency contraception is most effective if it is taken as soon as possible. The emergency contraceptive pill can be taken up to five days after unprotected intercourse or an emergency coil can be fitted sometimes even later than that depending on where you are in your cycle. If you require emergency contraception then please book an online consultation or speak with our receptionists to arrange a prescription. It might be possible to issue a prescription without speaking to you if we have enough information however we would always recommend considering booking an appointment to discuss more long term contraception options too. Emergency coils are fitted via the local contraception service – Sexual Health Bromley
We can offer sexual health screening at the Medical Centre. The nurse can take swabs to check for infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea and we can give you blood forms to book a test for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis once a consultation has taken place. We can also provide self-testing kits. Please enquire via Reception or book an online consultation.
Please view the NHS contraception guide for further information about all the topics listed above including details of pharmacies offering emergency contraception.
Other Useful links
- Family Planning Association: Sexual Health Advice
- British Pregnancy Advisory Service
- Sexual Advice Association
- NHS Choices – Sexual Health Topics
Abortion Services in Bromley
From 1st April 2022, residents or patients registered to a GP in South East London can now
contact community abortion providers directly. You do not need to see your GP first unless you would like to and GPs are always happy to discuss your situation with you. Please click on the link below.
Domestic Violence
The following websites contain much information both nationally and in Bromley of services available. You can of course also make an appointment with your GP.
Supporting a Healthy Lifestyle
We offer a range of clinics and services here at Green Street Green Medical Centre to support and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Alcohol Advice
NHS Advice on drinking recommends that men should not regularly drink more than 3-4 units of alcohol a day and women should not regularly drink more than 2-3 units a day, “Regularly” means drinking every day or most days of the week.
Useful links
- NHS Choices – Alcohol Misuse
- NHS Choices – Where to find alcohol support
- Drinkaware
- Change Grow Live
Chlamydia Screening
Chlamydia screening is available from the surgery.
Simply ask at reception for a kit. It is a completely confidential service where you can send a urine sample in the envelope provided and receive the results easily.
Sexual Health
Please see our dedicated Sexual Health section
Smoking Cessation
If you’re trying to give up smoking, we can help. Studies show that your chances of success will be greatly improved if you get advice and support from health care professionals to help you stop smoking and if you don’t pay for your prescriptions then giving up is free.
- Boost your willpower to stop smoking
- Concentrate your efforts by getting advice from someone who knows your medical background
- Help you feel that you’re not doing it alone
- Help you to cope when you are tempted to smoke
- Monitor improvements to your health so that you can see the benefits
Please visit the national NHS choices website for full details of smoking cessation services
Useful links
Weight Loss
If you would like to know more about weight and diet advice, we offer a weight management clinic giving you advice on how to lose weight and stay healthy.
A range of options are available to support people with weight loss. To understand which of them may be the best fit for you please arrange an appointment with your GP who will be happy to discuss them with you.
One suitable option may be our Health Trainers who offer 1:1 sessions for people wanting to improve their health and change their behaviour. They can support individuals with healthy eating, weight management and getting physically active.
Many doctors now believe that when it comes to your health, your waist measurement is important.
While knowing your body mass index (BMI) is a good way to decide if you’re overweight, it doesn’t tell the whole story.
BMI is a measure of how healthy your weight is for your height. You can work out what your BMI is by using the NHS Choices BMI healthy weight calculator.
If you have a high BMI, you’re likely to be carrying extra fat. But your health could be at greater risk depending on where you store that fat.
Having a large amount of tummy fat (compared to fat around your bottom or thighs) makes you more likely to develop diabetes and heart problems.
A healthy waist circumference for men is less than 94cm (37 inches), and for women it’s less than 80cm (32 inches).
Losing weight and keeping it off isn’t easy, but it has many benefits. You may only need to make small changes to your lifestyle to maintain a healthy weight.
If you’d like to find out more about how you can lose weight in a healthy way please book an appointment with one of our nurses.
For more general information about weight loss, please see the websites below:
Useful links
Antenatal and Postnatal care
Antenatal care
Antenatal care is the care and help you receive from health professionals during the course of your pregnancy. It is important you take good care of your own health and that of your unborn baby during pregnancy.
As soon as you find out you are pregnant, you should either get in touch with us to find out more information on the services and support that are available to you. Alternatively you can self-refer to the Princess Royal University Hospital using the online form here or telephone 01689 863800 or for Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust using the online form here
Much more information about local Maternity Services at the Princess Royal University Hospital can be found here
Useful links
Neo-natal Checks
Some newborn babies are released from hospital without a detailed examination. If this is the case, our GPs are happy to perform the relevant checks.
In most cases, the Practice will contact new mums to arrange for this to happen, on rare occasions where we are unaware of the birth, please feel free to give us a call and arrange an appointment or visit.
Postnatal Care
These are carried out routinely at the same time as your baby’s 8 week check. Your baby will also need their first vaccinations at this time and we try to arrange the appointments together for you. If you would prefer to be seen alone for your Postnatal check please inform our Receptionists. The postnatal time can be a very challenging one whether it is your first baby or if you already have children. The health visiting team can provide support. Our Practice is covered by both the Bromley and Sevenoaks health visiting teams and your allocation is dependant upon which council tax area your property is in. Links to both health visiting teams can be found here:
The health visiting teams can direct you to local breast feeding support.
As being a new parent can be very difficult emotionally, additional support is available. You can self-refer to the local counselling service: Talk together Bromley.
You can also talk to your health visitor or GP.
There is a very good service called Mindful Mums available to our patients which many patients have used and found very helpful. You can self-refer to this service: Mindful Mums
Bromley Children project provide support for parents and they recommend accessing their Facebook site for up to date information.
Their website address is Bromley Children project
Useful links
- NHS Choices – Birth to 5 years old guide
- NHS – Breastfeeding Guide
- Netmums – Information and support
Preconception Advice
If you are planning to have a baby or you need to know more information about how to look after yourself and your unborn baby, please book an appointment with your GP.
We can provide you with all the information you need to know to have a happy and healthy pregnancy.
Useful links
Women’s Health
We offer a range of clinics and services here at Green Street Green Medical Centre to support women’s health and help maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Breast Screening
The National Breast Screening Programme was introduced in 1988 as an early detection service for breast cancer. It states that all women who are aged between 50 – 70 years of age will be routinely invited for free breast screening every three years. The programme is very successful and currently saves around 1,400 lives per year.
Breast screening aims to find breast cancer at an early stage, often before there are any symptoms. To do this, an x-ray is taken of each breast (mammogram). Early detection may often mean simpler and more successful treatment. When women are invited for their mammogram depends on which GP they are registered with, not when their birthday is.
The screening office runs a rolling programme which invites women by area. The requirement is that all women will receive their first invitation before their 53rd birthday, but ideally when they are 50. Breast screening is for women without symptoms. If you are under 50 and concerned about any aspect of breast care or If you have any new breast symptoms including lumps in the breast or arm pit, skin changes, change in the appearance of the breast, nipple bleeding or discharge then please do not wait for a mammogram appointment but instead contact the Medical Centre for an appointment with your doctor. You can do this online or by telephone. Also if you are concerned about your family history of breast cancer and suspect you might be entitled to early mammograms then please also contact the Medical Centre.
Useful links: West London Breast Screening
Cervical Screening Test
Cervical screening, or smear test, is a method of detecting abnormal (pre-cancerous) cells in the cervix in order to prevent cervical cancer. The cervix is the entrance to the womb from the vagina. Cervical screening is recommended every three years for women aged 25 to 49 and every five years for women aged 50 to 64 or more frequently if smear results indicates abnormal changes.
Cervical screening is not a test for cancer; it is a test to check the health of the cells of the cervix. Most women’s test results show that everything is normal, but for 1 in 20 women the test will show some abnormal changes in the cells of the cervix.
Most of these changes will not lead to cervical cancer and the cells may go back to normal on their own. However, in some cases, the abnormal cells need to be treated to prevent them becoming cancerous.
Our nurses are qualified to carry out cervical screening and tests in the form of cervical smears. In order to have a cervical smear the patient must have received a letter requesting that they have a cervical smear and the appointment must please be made for when the patient is not menstruating.
These appointments typically take around 15 minutes. For any further information or to book an appointment, please call the surgery.
Cervical screening is for women with no symptoms to detect early changes in the cervix. If you have any symptoms which are worrying you, particularly bleeding during or after intercourse, bleeding between periods or a change in your periods or normal discharge then please contact the Medical Centre for an appointment with your Doctor.
Useful links
Menopausal symptoms
Menopausal symptoms can be very distressing and we can offer advice on testing (if appropriate) and treatment for them. If you are concerned about menopausal symptoms then the websites Menopause Matters and the NHS website NHS Choices can be very helpful. Please book a doctor appointment or online consultation to discuss further. Once on HRT women need to have an initial HRT check after three months and then routinely once every 6 months and these are with the nursing team. If you are already on HRT and have any concerns please book a doctor appointment or an online consultation.
Ring pessaries
These are fitted for the treatment of vaginal prolapse. If you feel that you might have a prolapse then please initially either book a doctor appointment or an online consultation. If the doctor assesses that a ring pessary might be suitable to control your symptoms then an appropriate appointment will be arranged for you.
Urinary and bowel incontinence
This can be experienced by women and a local self-referral service is available – Bromley Bladder and Bowel service
NHS health checks
Well woman checks
These are available to book with a member of our nursing team if you are not eligible for a NHS health check. NHS health checks have additional checks compared to a well woman check.
This is available on the NHS and you can self-refer at Talk together Bromley
Domestic Violence
The following websites contain much information both nationally and in Bromley of services available. You can of course also make an appointment with your GP.
London Borough of Bromley – Domestic violence
Sexual health and contraception including emergency contraception
See our Sexual Health section