Sharing your thoughts


The practice team are committed to providing high quality healthcare and services to patients.

​If you have any feedback / complaint about the service you have received from the practice team, please click here

​If you would like to make a complaint whilst at the practice you can ask for a copy of the current practice Complaints Leaflet and complaints form.  Once completed the form should then be passed to a member of the Reception team.

If you require independent support with your complaint, you can contact your local independent complaints advocacy service. Please ask a member of the reception team for your local service. 

Whichever option you choose, you will receive an acknowledgement within 3 working days from receipt of the form. We aim to resolve any complaints and concerns easily and quickly and all patients reach a satisfactory outcome.

​If you are not satisfied with the way we have dealt with your complaint, you can contact the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman to review your case on 0345 015 4033 or via their website The Ombudsman is an independent body established to promote improvements in healthcare through the assessment of the performance of those who provide service.

​For more information on our complaints procedure, view our complaints leaflet below:

Submit feedback online

You can view and contribute to our patient feedback here.

Ratings and reviews – Modality Lewisham (ML) – NHS (

Friends and Family test

Overall, how was your experience of our service?

Patient Participation Group

The Patient Participation Group (PPG) is intended to foster good relations between the Practice and patients and secondly, to act as a conduit for communication in both directions between the Practice and patients.

​We engage our PPG members on a variety of topics ranging from feedback on our services, ideas on new ways of working and changes within the wider NHS.  We communicate via email and we also organise meeting in person at the practice.

​Should you be interested in joining this group, please register by completing the online form below.  The request will be discussed with the current group members at the next meeting and you will be contacted. We apologise if there is a delay in replying to you.


To join the Patient Participation Group please complete the following form:

PPG sign up

Date of Birth
The information below will help to make sure that we receive feedback from a representative sample of the patients registered at this practice.
Your Age
How would you describe how often you come to the practice?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.