Travel Health and Immunisations

We are pleased to offer our registered patients a travel health service. Our nurse uses up to date information to advise you on your health needs related to destinations around the world. They can administer most vaccinations and provide prescriptions for treatments where needed.

Many people are taking long haul holidays requiring complicated courses of vaccines. Children also need to he vaccinated for travel abroad. Most travel vaccinations are free. To assist you in these requirements please see additional travel health information below.

Travel Vaccination Leaflet

Travel Vaccinations leaflet produced by NHS South East London Clinical Commissioning Group.

Booking your Appointment with the Nurse

  • Travel Appointment:
    Simply call the surgery to book a travel clinic appointment with the nurse.
  • Please Allow Plenty of Time:
    Patients are advised to allow plenty of time for vaccinations (at least two or three months) especially if traveling to an out of the way place where they’ll be living or working among local people. Some courses of vaccine such as rabies or Hepatitis B need to be given over several weeks.


If you require a prescription for vaccinations this will be ready to collect 1 working day (after 2pm) following your appointment.

Holiday Health

It is always a wise precaution to pack some essential items in case of illness on holiday. Do choose medicines according to your needs and the country you are intending to visit. lf you take prescription medicines regularly remember to pack them too.

You may want to consider packing the following:

  • Paracetamol Travel Sickness tablets Plasters and a small crepe bandage
  • Rehydration solutions such as Dioralyte, Anti-diarrhoeal e.g. lmodium
  • High factor sunscreen
  • Anti-material tablets, Water purification tablets, Insect repellent
  • Condoms / other contraceptives
  • Sunhats for yourself and children

Malaria prevention

Malaria is a serious illness that is common in many parts of Africa, Asia, South America and some areas in the Far and Middle East. The risk is particularly high in sub Saharan Africa.

Travel Vaccination Charges

We offer the travel health service with no charge to the patient under the NHS contract. However the NHS does not cover the cost of all the treatments you may need. Therefore, for some services you may need to pay.

Malaria Tablets are NOT provided on the NHS and can be bought over-the-counter or may require a private prescription. The nurse can advise regarding this or you could discuss with your pharmacist. REMEMBER some tablets have to be started at least one week before you travel and you need continue to take them when you return to the UK for the advised length of time.

There is a charge for Yellow Fever and some other vaccinations. We do not offer rabies and Japanese encephalitis vaccinations at this surgery.

A list of these charges is held at reception.