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Routine Appointments
The aim of our service is to provide access to patients on the day of their request to see a GP/NP. Appointments are released throughout the day to maintain demand.
You can make a pre-booked appointment for our nursing/HCA team up to eight weeks ahead.
Urgent Appointments
The practice operates a daily on-call team Monday to Friday. Patients requiring an urgent, on the day appointment will see a member of the on-call team, all of whom can prescribe. This system ensures that the most appropriate health care professional sees you, and that the duty doctor has adequate time to deal with emergencies that occur on the day.
We strive to provide an appointment with a healthcare professional within 24 hours and with a GP within 48 hours. If you require an appointment with a specific GP there will be a longer wait.
Web Based Appointments
Appointments are now available online, please ask at reception for more details.
Evening Surgery
Evening surgery appointments are now available with our nursing and HCA team. These are held Monday and Wednesday to Friday evenings from 6.30pm – 8pm. These appointments are pre booked.
We hope that these appointments will be especially useful for those patients that find it difficult to attend the surgery during the normal working day.
GP+ and OOH
Suffolk GP+ is for people who urgently need a doctors appointment, or cant see their GP on a weekday. Appointments are offered in the evening and at weekends and are booked through your GP Practice. For more information please click here
OOH service is provided by NHS 111, please call 111 for medical assistance when we are closed.
Please contact your doctors online and get a response by the end of the next working day.
Non-urgent advice: Changes to Our Services
Patients are able to request to see any GP of their choice irrespective of their registered usual GP, patients are able to request to see any GP within the practice.
The aim ofour service isto provide access to patients on the day of their request to see a GP. Pre-bookable appointments with a GP are available and more are released throughout the day.
We respectfully ask that youunderstand our receptionists are doing their very best to help you and will offer whatever appointments are available for them to offer.
In addition, our