Frequently Asked Questions

A GP Federation is a group of general practices or surgeries working together. The remit of a GP Federation is generally to share responsibility for delivering access to at-scale high quality, patient-focussed services for its communities. Please also take a look at our dedicated What is a GP Federation? page.

Your GP Federation works collaboratively with your surgery and other NHS organisations to deliver at-scale services to all Runcorn patients. We can do this from a number of local locations, including your current GP practice.

GP Extra is a GP Extended Hours service designed to provide patients with appointments outside core general practice hours for routine care. The service is now available every day of the week except Sundays. Please look at the Our Services section for more information.

All appointments are booked by contacting your current GP practice in the usual way. When you are booking an appointment, the receptionist will offer a choice of appointment either at your own practice or at the GP Extra service. It is entirely your choice about which appointment you book.

The Federation is run by local GPs and Practice Managers from Halton. Check out the Organisation section to find out more about them.

One of the primary aims of the Federation is to improve access to services for local people. We will deliver more at-scale local services, making it easier for you to access the services and buildings where the services are taking place.

If you aren’t registered with the practice in GP Health Connect, unfortunately you won’t be able to access some of the services being delivered. If you are interested in joining one of the practices, please contact the Practice Manager at the practice you are interested in.

Different groups of GPs have set up Federations across the NHS, this isn’t happening only in Halton. Each Federation offers different services in order to meet the needs of its local population.

All GP Practices in Halton are a member of a GP Federation.

No practices will not be closing.

No. We want the Federation to support General Practice and one of our aims is to increase the number of GPs locally.