Local Information

Outpatients telephone number for Princess Royal Hospital, Brighton General Hospital, Royal Sussex County Hospital which is 0300 3038360.

Telephone number to book blood tests at Princess Royal Hospital/Royal Sussex County Hospital/Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital which is 01444 441881 Ext: 68199.

Outpatients telephone number for Worthing Hospital, Southlands Hospital and St Richards Hospital which is 01273 446067.

Outpatients telephone number for East Surrey, Crawley and Horsham Hospitals which is 01737 784000.

Telephone number for MSK appointment enquiries which is 0300 3038063.

Horsham Area Community Car Scheme – Telephone Number 01403 250202.

Please telephone between 9am and 12 noon Monday-Friday. Trips can be booked weeks ahead and ideally not less than 2 days before you wish to travel. 

This scheme is for people who owing to a disability or frailty are unable to use public transport but can still travel in a car with minimal assistance.

CT Sussex Community Transport – Telephone Number 01444 471919

Community Transport Sussex (CTS) is the leader provider of community transport services in West Sussex, working to relieve social isolation and loneliness across the county through the provision of safe, accessible supported door to door transport for those who have difficulty accessing the mainstream transport network.

The Travel Buddy Scheme is a service that will pair a passenger with a volunteer who will assist them to get to social settings, activities, shopping and wellbeing activities. It will allow them to get to meaningful activities of their choice whilst enabling carers to get a regular break, safe in the knowledge that the person is being supported. Volunteers will be matched with passengers by locality, personality and shared interests, all of which will be assessed against the needs of the passenger.

If you are interested in becoming a Travel Buddy, you must be over 18, (over 21 if you are using your own vehicle).  You will be required to take a DBS check (which will be paid for). Dementia and Safeguarding training will be provided. Contact the Travel Buddy Co-ordinators by email at travelbuddy@ctsussex.org.uk.