Meet the Team

Our Doctors

Dr Mark Piper (m)

MBBS (2009) BSc. MRCGP GMC: 7040449

Dr. Mark Piper trained at St. George’s Hospital Medical School, graduating with distinction in 2009. He undertook hospital training posts throughout Surrey before qualifying as a GP in 2015. He has particular interests in gastroenterology, respiratory medicine and paediatrics. Dr. Piper is married with three young children and most of his spare time is spent with them. When he gets the chance he enjoys golf, mountain-biking and watching rugby.

Dr Tim McEwen (m)

MBBS (2012), MEng (Hons), MRCGP, MSc (Distinction), PGDip (MSK Ultrasound). GMC: 7285071

Dr McEwen trained at Nottingham University and graduated in 2012. He completed his GP training via the Royal Surrey County Hospital training scheme and has since undertaken further Sports, Exercise and Musculoskeletal Medicine training. He works as a GP at Loxwood and is the club doctor for Harlequins Rugby Club, having previously worked for Saracens Rugby Club and England Rugby. Dr McEwen is married with a young family and his spare time is spent with them and exercising including cricket, cycling and running.

Dr Alexandra McEwen (f)

MBBS (2011), BA, MRCGP, GMC: 7169886

Dr Alexandra McEwen graduated from University College London in 2011. After foundation training she enjoyed three exciting years in anaesthetics before switching to GP training to become the 3rd Dr McEwen to pass through the Royal Surrey GP training programme in 3 years! In her spare time she mostly ferries her two young boys to their various sporting interests but if she gets the chance she enjoys running, netball, skilling and sunny holidays!.

Dr Elizabeth Sullivan (f)


Dr Lilly joined the surgery in September 2023. She qualified from St George’s hospital in 2002, and completed her GP training at St Richards hospital in Chichester. Dr Lilly has a young son to keep her busy. Her passion growing up was horse riding and she hopes when time allows in the future, to get back into it. In the meantime she enjoys running, dog walking and spending time with her family.

Dr Ellie Webb (f)

BMBS BMedSci MRCGP PGDip (Dermatology) GMC: 7492043

Dr Ellie Webb trained at The University of Nottingham and graduated in 2015. She
completed her GP training via the Chertsey Training Programme at Ashford and St Peters Hospital. She has a particular interest in Dermatology and has completed further post graduate training. She also has an interest in teaching and is a clinical supervisor for
trainees and students. In her spare time she enjoys running, playing the piano and baking.

Our Nurses

Sarah Sprinks (f)

Nurse Practitioner

Ivora Howland (f)


Carla Allan (f)


Debbie Peacock (f)


Our Healthcare Assistants

Jessica Pitts

Healthcare Assistant

Marie Beckwith


Our Management

Suzanne Ashworth

Suzanne Ashworth, Practice Manager and Mandy McDermott, Assistant Practice Manager are here to support the practice with the business needs, such as human resources, contracts, finance, patient safety, premises, IT and equipment. The Management Team supports the practice in the day to day functioning to deliver services to patients.  They can be contacted directly by emailing

Our Administration Team

Medical Secretaries Cheryl Summers and Sara Dews assist the clinical teams with referrals and all general secretarial duties, ensuring a smooth liaison between primary care, secondary care and community care.

The clinical team are further supported by a team of administration staff who liaise with patients.

All our staff will treat anything your tell them with absolute confidence and compassion. Please help them to help you. If you wish to speak to a member of the administration team in private please let us know. If you have difficulty communicating due to learning difficulties, language or sensory impairment please let us know so that we can ensure that your needs are met.

Our Reception Team

Jan Smithers

leads our reception and administration teams in the day to day running of the offices.

Our pharmacists

Mr Elvinas Hunger (m)

MPharm (2015)

Elvinas finished his master’s in pharmacy at Aston University in 2015 and finished his training year in Glastonbury in 2016. Since then, Elvinas worked as a Pharmacist in a community setting until 2021 when he decided to take on the role of Clinical Pharmacist within the Primary Care. Having trained in pharmaceutical practice and acquired master’s in the subject, Elvinas is a point of contact for any pharmacy related queries. Currently, Elvinas is undertaking a clinical diploma pathway whilst working alongside GPs and Nurses where he offers regular medication reviews and medicines related support to our patients and wider clinical team. Upon completion of his pathway, having acquired more clinical training, Elvinas will be running various additional services including, but not limited to, patient facing structured medicine reviews,  patient facing long-term condition reviews, managing common ailments and supporting practice in optimising medicines supply according to NHS standard. 

Our Community Midwives

If you are currently pregnant, you may choose to be seen and cared for during your pregnancy by either the West Sussex Midwife Team or Surrey Midwife Team.

For more information about the local West Sussex Maternity Services please visit their website

Routine, weekly, ante natal appointments for patients who choose the West Sussex Team will be held at Petworth Children and Family Centre, you can contact them on 01798 871199 to make all of your appointments.

If you wish to be seen by the Surrey Midwife team, you will need to contact them yourself, they are based at the Royal Surrey County Hospital on 01483 571122 ext 2714 or ext 2715 to book into their clinic. This clinic is currently being held at Cranleigh Community Hospital.

Our Community Nurses

The district nursing team provides skilled nursing care to those who require it in the community.

They are available to provide help and support for carers, the long term or terminally ill and will also provide help and advice on continence problems. The district nurses can be contacted by calling One Call on 01903 254789 .

Our Health Visitors

The Health Visitor service, provides a clinic and home visits to all families with children less than 5 years of age, both for the children and the family members. They are involved in antenatal care and child health development and currently run a postnatal group for all mothers. They can be contacted at Rose Wing, Horsham Hospital, Hurst Road, Horsham RH12 2DR or telephone: 01403 227000 ext 7507.