There are lots of sources of support for young families, from pregnancy though out childhood. However new parents sometimes feel isolated and are not sure who to call for various issues relating to their young families.
Below are services available and how to access them. The list is not exhaustive and if you have any concerns about your child’s health please contact your GP surgery or pharmacist.
This information is also available as a printable download
Maternity Services
We have a midwife allocated to our surgery who provides care in pregnancy and in the early postnatal period. You can self refer or speak to reception. Please see the separate link on our website. Maternity Care
Perinatal Services
Information on the perinatal services that are available within West Sussex:
Health Visitors
For children age 0-5, the Health visitors deliver the Healthy Child Programme for young families. There is a minimum of five contacts from pregnancy to school age, supporting new families and their care of babies and young children. They can advise and support on feeding, growth, behaviour, parenthood and parental mental health. Health visitors carry out the standard developmental milestone checks.
For any of these issues above issue you should contact the Healthy Child Programme who will put you in touch with your Health visitor:
Tel: 01273 696011: ext 5267 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)
If you have immediate concerns about the health of your child please contact your GP. During pregnancy you can contact the midwives unless the issue is urgent and can’t be dealt with by the midwives or is unlikely to be related to the pregnancy.
School nurses
For issue for ages 5-19 years. The School nursing service provides hearing, vision and growth checks and vaccination programmes for school age children. They provide support and signposting for issues such as growth, sleep problems, weight, eating, healthy lifestyles, dental and oral care, continence issues, emotional and mental wellbeing, sexual health, contraception, drugs, alcohol and support for young people who identify as LGBTQ+.
Telephone: tel:0300 303 1137(Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm); Email: Arun and Chichester:; Crawley and Mid-Sussex:; Horsham, Worthing and Adur:
Chat Health West Sussex: confidential text message advice service for ages 11-19 to put in touch with health, mental health or relationship advice, Telephone: 07480 635424 – You can text them at any time and they will return your call within 24 hours, Monday to Friday, 9am-4.30pm, except for bank holidays and weekends. Chat health link
The Homestart Charity is a local community network of trained volunteers and experts who help families with young children who are struggling to cope. This might be due to financial, relationship, language or housing difficulties or simply young and vulnerable parents struggling to cope with new responsibilities. It is based in Chichester providing for surrounding areas and offering advice, family groups (Midhurst on Wednesday with coffee for parent and snack for the kids!) and in some cases can offer practical support 2-3 hours a week in the home. Families must have at least one child under age 5. You can self refer or be referred by a health professional.
Telephone: 01243 773477
Chichester Family Hub and family information service
Chichester family hub is run by West Sussex County Council, providing a service for Chichester and surrounding areas. It supports a wide range of activities, help and advice for parents and carers, children, teenagers and families. It can guide on pregnancy issues, child care, holiday care, benefits, housing, parenting, support for families and wellbeing. They also can provide free computer access.
Telephone: 01403 229900
Family Nurse Partnership
This is a partnership between council and community health trust. Dedicated nursing support available to young, disadvantaged or vulnerable families from pregnancy throughout the first year of the child’s life who have the greatest need for support. Regular visits, advice and contact. This is a service for those in particular need. Referrals are via the health visitor or midwife.
Breast feeding support
MILK! Breast feeding support, is a local award winning community service, based in Chichester and supporting surrounding areas. They provide online/telephone support and advice and also face to face support groups, and breast pump hire.
Tel. tel:01273 696011 ext 5267
Chichester Wellbeing
Run by the Council, giving advice and support with many aspects of physical and mental wellbeing. This includes stress, smoking, alcohol, exercise, healthy eating. They also run weight loss workshops, NHS Health Checks, smoking cessation programmes etc.
Please self refer
Tel: 01243 521 041
Social Prescribers
Council supported service. Advice from trained workers, on many areas such as housing, benefits, loneliness and carer support.
Tel: 01243521041
Website and self referral form:
Online advice on child heath matters
There are multiple sources of information available on child health matters. Two we would highly recommend are below:
Healthier together:
NHS website: