Annual Health Checks are really important because they are a good way to get to know your doctor better, and for them to find out more about you. Your doctor will take a closer look at how you are doing – making sure you are healthy.
An Annual Health Check is done by your doctor once a year. Your doctor will take a closer look at how you are doing – making sure you’re healthy.
- They are available for most people aged 14 and older with a learning disability
- You don’t need to be ill to get a health check, but you can ask your doctor about anything that is hurting or worrying you
- If you are happy, the doctor can do some simple tests to keep you healthy
A local doctor has made this video to show what it is like if you go to the doctor’s surgery for an appointment: How To See Your GP
Here are some links to information that you may find useful:
Useful Links
Resources for Learning disability patients and carers
Cancer Screening Videos for Learning Disability Patients
Easy Read Cancer Screening Booklet
“Getting ready for your annual health check” Guide – you will be sent this before the annual health check to help you prepare and think about the things that you would like to ask the doctor