
We make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our practice.

However, we are aware that things can go wrong resulting in a patient feeling that they have a genuine cause for complaint. If this is so, we would wish for the matter to be settled as quickly, and as amicably, as possible.

To pursue a complaint please contact the Practice Manager by letter who will deal with your concerns appropriately.

Further written information regarding the complaints procedure is available from reception, or in the links below:

There is a free and independent service available to patients for advocacy support, which helps local people explore options for getting their voice heard when they feel something has gone wrong with their health services.  IHCAS provides guidance and support on how to make a complaint.

Healthwatch West Sussex Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service (IHCAS)

Telephone: 0300 012 0122



PO Box 1360
West Sussex

For further information you can access the Healthwatch (IHCAS) site via the following link.