Family Planning and Contraception and Sexual Health

Our doctors and nurses provide a range of contraceptive services, including depot injections. Coil fitting and implants can be obtained at local Sexual Health Clinics. We offer a symptom-based sexual health service for both men and women.

We can test for sexually transmitted diseases in surgery using simple non-invasive tests. We are part of the national chlamydia screening programme for 16 to 24 year olds.

We are currently not commissioned to do routine sexual health screens. You will need to go to local Sexual Health clinics for these.

Oral Contraception

The most popular form of contraception is still the pill. We like to check all new patients to whom we prescribe the pill, taking a full history and measuring blood pressure.

We take the opportunity to do a cervical smear and chlamydia test as appropriate. We follow up after three or six months. If the pill is well tolerated, we only need to check your blood pressure every year.


We cannot prescribe condoms on the NHS. You can buy them from chemists or obtain them free from family planning clinics.

Cap Fitting

We can fit you with a contraceptive diaphragm, or ‘cap’, and teach you how to use it (Nuva ring and Evra). We can also offer the new vaginal ring which is the equivalent of the combined pill and the contraceptive patch if other methods don’t suit.

Injectable Contraception

We offer three monthly progesterone injections, which provide very reliable contraception. They are particularly suitable for people with high blood pressure, people who are likely to forget the pill, and people who don’t want a coil.