WANTED – Patient and Carer Representatives for the Respiratory Clinical Reference Group
If you suffer from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease you will know how important it is to get the right treatment at the right time. The Respiratory Clinical Reference Group (RCRG) is working hard to ensure services are designed to best meet your needs, and your experiences as a patient with COPD are valuable to this work. The RCRG would like input from patients and carers to ensure the pathway will work and help to improve COPD care in Wandsworth. Participation will be through an email distribution group, but you are also welcome to come along to meetings if you wish.
To find out more about joining the RCRG please contact Iveren Abwa on 0208 812 7551
Email: Iveren.abwa@wpct.nhs.uk
For more information about COPD please visit