Pregnancy (Pre Natal) Midwife checks

Are you newly pregnant?

From 17th May 2021 there is a new way for you to register for maternity care at Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (HHFT). You don’t need to contact us your GP, the midwifery service at HHFT will do this on your behalf.

Simply register using this website: Badger Notes – Self-refer your pregnancy to SHIP Maternity Referral This will notify your midwife team at HHFT who will contact you to arrange an appointment. This digital platform will allow you to access your pregnancy (pre natal) activity summary data and view links to advice and guidance improving your patient journey.

If you are foreign language speaking, or are unable to notify us online, please call 07443 987711.

If you do not wish to continue with the pregnancy please do not self-refer, you will need to make an appointment with your named GP.