Referral Queries

If you require further assessment or treatment with a hospital specialist then you will be referred onwards by our team. This may be an emergency referral which either requires a hospital admission or occurs rapidly within a few days OR an outpatient referral for more routine or chronic issues.

Once an outpatient referral has been made, the hospital will contact you directly with the details of your appointment. The surgery is not kept informed of any appointment details / does not have any more information than you do and we are not able to find this out for you.

If you have not heard anything / are wanting to chase this up then please contact the hospital directly as the first port of call.

Outpatient information :: Hampshire Hospitals

Patient Hub :: Hampshire Hospitals

For Basingstoke

Medical booking team:, 01256 314061

Surgical booking team:, 01256 314063

Women’s health booking team:, 01256 314064

Head and neck booking team:, 01256 314062

For Winchester

Surgical booking team: or T. 01962 824142

Head and neck booking team: head& or T. 01962 824143

Medicine Booking Team: or T. 01962 824141

If you are awaiting a hospital appointment, operation or treatment, you can now also access a site called ‘My Planned Care’. My Planned Care gives you advice and support while you wait and helps you to prepare for your hospital consultation, treatment, or surgery. This includes giving you information about waiting times and other supporting and local services while you wait.

Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust – My Planned Care NHS

The hospital team control the urgency with which you are seen, this is not something that we can influence unless your circumstances or the clinical situation changes. If you feel this to be the case then please let us know.

Requests to Expedite Appointments

We have noticed an increasing number of patients requesting GP appointments or GP letters asking for outpatient appointments to be expedited. This seems to be mostly due to the extended waiting times and after having spoken with hospital secretaries.

We very much understand and share the frustration caused by current waiting times for outpatient appointments. Please be aware, this is entirely outside of our control and is the making of a struggling NHS with an imbalance of demand and capacity/workforce.

It is important to note that seeking an expedite letter based solely on waiting times will not get you seen any sooner. When you are referred to hospital, the request is reviewed and ‘triaged’. This means the hospital team decide on the timescale they feel is appropriate for your condition. Another letter from the GP without any new information will not change this.

However, if you believe your symptoms have changed or progressed and therefore require a more urgent outpatient appointment, please inform us of this and we will feed this new information into the hospital department on your behalf for their further triage. We can send you a text message that you can reply directly to (ask reception) or you can submit an E consult or write in to us. You do not need an appointment to do this unless you require further assistance from the GP or wish to discuss new/changing symptoms.

Please provide details about the changes in your symptoms or clarify why you feel a more urgent referral is necessary. This will then be shared with the relevant department but please be aware the decision to change the level of urgency still lies with the hospital team.

If your query relates to cancelling, booking or chasing appointments please directly contact the department you were referred too as we do not have the capacity to make these requests on your behalf. This is also applicable if you are waiting for results from a test organised by a hospital specialist. Again, these are not shared with us, the results are to be given to you by the specialist or a member of their team.

There is lots of information available including telephone numbers and information on the ‘Patient Hub’ online portal on the HHFT Website.

Waiting List Validation :: Hampshire Hospitals

If you wish to feedback to the hospital or share a concern then they can be contacted via the information below:

Share your feedback :: Hampshire Hospitals