Prescriptions Information

Repeat Prescriptions

If your doctor is to continue your medication over months or years, you can obtain repeat prescriptions; our computer will generate a new prescription on the left-hand sheet and a request for a future repeat on the right-hand side.

We ask that you detach the repeat request at the time of collecting a prescription and keep it safe until you need to request a further supply of your medication. 

Repeat medications can be requested through SystmOnline, our online patient portal or via the NHS or Airmid apps.

If you do not have SystmOnline or the NHS or Airmid app, you can email prescription requests to

Please include your full name, address and date of birth along with the full medication name and dosage.


Please remember to allow at least 72 hours between requesting and collecting your prescription. It is always preferable for you to tick the items you need from the printed list given and return it to the surgery for processing. 

If however you require an item which is not listed simply write the name of the medication, the strength and the frequency of use clearly on the sheet, along with when you were last prescribed the item and by whom. With this system we hope to ensure we are minimising the risks of errors occurring and there should be no need for any urgent repeat requests.

Please allow a minimum of three working days (Monday – Friday)  to process a request.

Please note that requests handed in on Friday afternoon or posted into our letter box will not be dealt with until the next working day and that the 72 hours therefore runs from when we are actually able to process your request. 

Likewise if you drop a request in over the weekend it will not be processed until the next working day (usually Monday) and will not therefore be ready for collection until at least 72 hours later. We always try to turn prescription requests around within 72 hrs however on rare occasions they may take longer and we apologise for any problems this may cause.

If you send a postal request (having included an SAE), please allow an extra two to three days at least as we cannot guarantee when we will receive your request. 

Please note that HRT and contraceptive pills are not issued on repeats. An appointment will have to be made with the nurse in the well woman clinic or with the doctor.

We no longer accept requests for medication over the telephone.

Non-urgent advice: Please Note

It is not possible to request or collect repeat prescriptions on Saturday mornings

Prescriptions Charges and Exemptions

Extensive exemption and remission arrangements protect those likely to have difficulty in paying charges (NHS prescription and dental charges, optical and hospital travel costs).

The NHS prescription charge is a flat-rate amount which successive Governments have thought it reasonable to charge for those who can afford to pay for their medicines. 

Prescription prepayment certificates (PPCs) offer real savings for people who need extensive medication.

NHS charges

  • If you will have to pay for four or more prescription items in three months, or more than 14 items in 12 months, you may find it cheaper to buy a PPC. 

Telephone advice and order line 0845 850 0030

There is further information about prescription exemptions and fees on the NHS website.

Prescription Synchronisation

If you are on several medications which need renewing at different times to each other, please fill in the medicines synchronistation form below and either email it back to or bring it in to the surgery.

This will enable the team to try and align your medicines to all renew at the same time.