
Non-urgent advice: Please Note

During the current Pandemic all appointments with GPs will be telephone appointments in the first instance. Please only attend the surgery if a clinician asks you to do so.

With the use of technology advances and video consultations we would ask that patients should only send photos if asked to do so by a clinician. 

You will never be asked to send intimate photos by a clinician – if the clinician deems an examination necessary, arrangements will be made for you to attend a face to face consultation.

Routine Appointments

Reception and telephones (023 9238 1117) are open Monday to Friday from 8.00am – 6.30pm for appointments and enquiries. For those that struggle to attend surgery during normal working hours, a limited number of appointments are available at the following times:

  • 7.30am – 8.00am and 6.30pm – 7.00pm every Monday
  • 7.30am – 8.00am every Tuesday  for Dr Choudhary
  • 7.30am – 8.00am every Wednesday for Nurse
  • 7.30am – 8.00am every Thursday for Dr Whyte-Venables

Please contact the practice during normal working hours (8.00am – 6.30pm Monday- Friday) to make an appointment, either by phone or in person at reception. Some routine appointments with your own GP are available to book online. Routine appointments may be made well in advance – up to a maximum of 8 weeks ahead.

Quote / Testimonial:

During the current pandemic and model of care we have had to adopt, patients should book appointments by telephone and online access to appointments has been suspended temporarily.

Where possible, you will be booked to see your registered GP, although you may be asked to see another doctor if urgent treatment is needed or your own GP is away.

If your problem is painful, medically urgent or very worrying, please ask for a same day appointment with the duty doctor or practice nurse, if your own GP is not available.

Urgent Appointments

These are available for medically urgent problems. The doctor/nurse will deal with the urgent problem the same day but more routine problems may be deferred until a later date.

Please do not use urgent appointments for medically non-urgent matters. If you are unsure whether or not you need an urgent appointment, please speak to one of our receptionists who will be able to advise you. Some examples of problems that are not suitable are:

  • Sick notes
  • Repeat Prescriptions
  • On-going medical conditions
  • Before previously prescribed course of antibiotics is complete

When booking an urgent appointment, you may be asked to give details of the problem by our reception team, to enable them to help you in the best possible way.

Home Visits

We only visit patients at home when they are medically too ill to come to the surgery.

Home visits are costly, time consuming and not always the best use of the doctor’s time. Each home visit takes the time it would have taken to see four or more patients at the surgery. It is best for everyone if acutely ill patients are seen in surgery, where fuller facilities for assessment are available. Acutely ill patients will be given urgent appointments and be seen as soon as possible.

If you do need a home visit, please telephone 023 9238 1117 between 8.00am and 10.30am and give details of the urgency of the problem – this allows the doctor to plan his rounds.  Please give any advice the doctor will need to find your home easily. If the problem is urgent, attending the surgery may well result in you being seen sooner.

Telephone Advice

Your doctor or nurse will be happy to advise you, if not consulting with another patient.

Our receptionists are asked not to disturb the doctor if he is with another patient unless the matter is a medical emergency. You will be asked to leave a phone number for when your doctor or nurse is free in the next 48 hours.

Test Results and Prescription Queries

For test results and prescription queries, please call after 11.00am.  Please note that we cannot take prescription requests over the phone – for further details, visit our Prescriptions page.

Please note that test results can only be given to the person concerned (except in the case of minors).

Training Closure Dates

The Practice will be closed for training on One Wednesday of every month. It is essential that our staff are trained regularly to maintain and improve on the level of service offered.

Further details can be found under our Practice policies here