Wiltshire Domestic Abuse Survey
As outlined in the recent Wiltshire Council press release, Wiltshire Council Public Health team are running a survey to collect the views of people in the area who have experienced domestic abuse, recently and/or in the past.
The results of the survey will shape the local Domestic Abuse Strategy – this is a great opportunity for victim/survivors of domestic abuse to have a say and influence how domestic abuse support services run in the area.
The survey is open to people aged 16 years or over in Wiltshire. It consists of 26 questions and will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. The survey is completely anonymous and confidential.
The survey can be completed:
- Online, via https://surveys.wiltshire.gov.uk/s/wiltshiredasurvey (please note, you may wish to clear your browser history after completing the survey – you can read how to do this here)
- Online, via a computer at any of the Wiltshire libraries (there will be a shortcut to the survey on the home screen)
- On paper, at any of the Wiltshire libraries (ask a member of library staff if you are unsure where to locate the survey forms)
The deadline for completing this survey is Friday 31st May 2024.
If you have been affected by domestic abuse and would like to talk to someone or access support, you can contact FearFree by phone (01225 775276) or email (spa@fearfree.org.uk). Always call 999 in an emergency.