Comments & Complaints

We welcome all comments and suggestions about our service. We always try to give you the best service possible, but there may be times when you feel this has not happened. This section explains what to do if you have a complaint, which we would be happy to discuss further with you. Our practice procedure is not able to deal with questions of legal liability or compensation.

It may not be possible to see the Practice Manager without an appointment. If you do wish to make a complaint please write to the Complaints department we will acknowledge this in writing with in three working days where possible, we will endeavor to provide you with full details of the investigation and conclusion within 10 days after receiving your complaint but it may take a bit longer if more information is needed.

This procedure allows the practice to investigate and, if appropriate, put right any problems you have identified or mistakes that have been made. This procedure does not affect your right to complain to Healthwatch Portsmouth. You can also contact SWAN (South West Advocacy Network) for information and/or advice. Contact details for both are shown below.

Please note that we have to respect our duty of confidentiality to patients and a patient’s consent will be necessary if a complaint is not made by that patient in person.

We may organise a meeting to discuss our investigation and you may bring a friend or relative to the meeting. We will try to address your concerns fully, provide you with an explanation, and discuss any appropriate action to ensure your satisfaction. We will also provide a written response of the above. Should you wish to continue your complaint, we will direct you to the appropriate authorities who will be able to help you.

Contact Details


Patient Advice & Liaison Team
Based at St Mary’s Hospital

Tel: 532850 or 534420

SWAN (South West Advocacy Network)

Tel: 03333 447928


Parliamentary and Health Ombudsman

Tel: 0345 015 4033


Healthwatch Isle of Wight

Riverside Centre
The Quay
Isle of Wight PO30 2QR

Tel: 01983 608 608

NHS England

PO Box 16738
Redditch B97 9PT

Tel: 0300 311 22 33