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Enhanced Access
Wednesday 6:30PM – 8PM GP, Physiotherapist and Menopause clinics
Thursday 6:30 – 8PM Clinical Pharmacist Appointment
Saturday (On a rotation basis with other GP Surgeries) 8AM – 12PM GP Surgery
Out of Hours & Emergencies
Non-urgent advice: Out of Hours
The doctors work as a partnership and cover one another’s absence on holiday or study leave. Occasionally a locum is employed to cover absences. Out-of-hours and night cover is provided by Buckinghamshire Urgent Care and not by our doctors. Buckinghamshire ICB are responsible for Commissioning out-of-hours services.
FedBucks are the provider of the Out of Hours service for Buckinghamshire. This service is only accessed through 111 via a telephone call or 111 on line.
Out of Hours service opening times are Monday to Friday from 18:30-08.00 and 24 hours a day at weekends and bank holidays.
NHS 111 is free to callers from both mobile phone and landlines and accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, by dialling 1-1-1.
The NHS 111 team will assess your condition over the phone and if it is clinically appropriate, they will refer you to the Out of Hours service.
Out of Hours service operates clinically from a range of primary care centres throughout Buckinghamshire so that, no matter where you live, you should not have too far to travel. You may be assessed and treated by a clinician by telephone or booked for a face-to-face appointment at one of our primary care centres after being assessed by the 111 team.
Out of Hours do not offer a walk-in service at these sites so please do not turn up without an appointment.
Non-urgent advice: Accident and Emergency (A&E)
The nearest Accident & emergency department is at Stoke Mandeville Hospital – telephone 01296 418600. There is an Emergency Medical Centre at Wycombe Hospital – telephone 01494 526161.
There is no casualty department at the health centre or at Amersham Hospital.