New Patient Registration

Quote / Testimonial:
New patients are welcome at the surgery – if you wish to register as a patient, please either call into the surgery or telephone our enquiries number on 01296 423797.

Please enter your postcode below to check if you live in our catchment area

Catchment Area

A receptionist will advise you on the documents (see below) and paperwork that have to be completed prior to registration. You will be offered an appointment with the practice nurse for a new patient registration check and you will then be registered with the practice so that your medical notes can be forwarded to us.

Alternatively, fill out our online form below:

For all patients wishing to register with the practice we will need to see one of the following original documents to confirm identity:

  • A current passport – all parts of the passport will be photocopied
  • Entry clearance documents – (stamped)
  • UK photocard driving licence with paper copy
  • Current residence permit (stamped)
  • Benefit/pensions book (not card)
  • Official tax notification
  • ID card for foreign nationals

You will also be asked to provide 2 of the following original documents to confirm residency:

  • Housing contracts
  • Utility bills – no older than 3 months (not mobile phone bills)
  • Bank statements
  • Residence permit
  • Official tax (or similar) document
  • Work permit

Non-urgent advice: Please Note

If your medical need is urgent the doctors can see you prior to registration, but you must officially register with the practice following this consultation.

Please provide us with your NHS number:

Additional Information required for Overseas Patients

If you are coming to live here from abroad we will need to know your date of entry into the United Kingdom and establish that you are here for a settled purpose. Overseas patients who cannot provide the above documentation may be treated as private patients and charged accordingly.

Armed Forces Patients

If you have left the Armed Forces, we will also need to know your enlistment date, your address before enlisting, service number, Medical Discharge Papers and your previous doctors details prior to enlistment.

Refugee Status

If you have refugee status you must produce your Home Office Paperwork, which must contain your photographic identification.

The ownership of a NHS number does not give you automatic right to the National Health Service. Some patients may be entitled to register with a doctor but referral for further care may result in the hospital or other NHS body charging the patient direct.


We are a training practice. This means doctors experienced in hospital medicine (GP Registrars) join us for a year before embarking on careers in general practice. They work under the supervision of Dr. Zaib and Dr Chakraborty who are both fully qualified GP trainers.

Change Of Address/Telephone Number

Please inform us of any change of address or telephone number (including mobile telephone numbers). This enables us to maintain accurate records and contact you urgently if necessary. If you move outside of the practice area you will need register with a new doctor.