Friends of Bedgrove Surgery / Wendover Health Centre
Both Friends Groups are registered charities, and are made up of volunteers. Any donations or money collected through fundraising are used to purchase services or goods that make life for our patients more comfortable. They are always looking for new members. Please let us know if you are interested in joining them.
Friends of Bedgrove Surgery
The FOBS hold fayres and coffee mornings in the surgery, and can often be seen at other local events held on Bedgrove estate. Please come along for a slice of yummy cake, a drink and a chat. Everyone welcome.
All Bedgrove patients are automatically a ‘Friend of Bedgrove Surgery’. If you want to contribute further, please ask at reception or see the ‘Friends Noticeboard’ for further information.
Join the 100 club – please ask at reception.
Friends of Wendover Health Centre (FOWHC)
The FOWC is a charity comprising a group of volunteers who support WHC patients by driving them to any medical appointment – doctors’ surgery, hospital, local dentists, opticians and specialist clinics.
We also deliver prescriptions.
Our desk at Wendover Health Centre is open from 13:00-15:00 each weekday – 01296 622565. We welcome calls from new and established patients.
New volunteers are always welcome. We can be contacted on the above number, by email: or by telephoning Vicky, on 07584046570.