Physiotherapist at Towcester Medical Centre

We are pleased to have a First Contact Physiotherapist (FCP) in the surgery.

The first contact practitioner is an exciting role delivered in primary care (GP surgeries) that allow patients contacting the surgery with musculoskeletal (MSK) pain to be seen quickly by a specialist musculoskeletal physiotherapist. They assess, diagnose and provide first line management for the patients’ individual problem and can refer patients for a course of physiotherapy treatment, order investigations or make referrals into secondary care services as deemed required

They work alongside the GP’s, nurse practitioners, pharmacists and the practice staff to ensure that patients get the best level of care quickly. This will improve your access to the Right Care, at the Right Time, from the Right Person.

Why is this helpful?

It is estimated that 10-25% of all GP consultations are for MSK related conditions, and that a First Contact Physiotherapist could see up to 50% of these patients, hopefully helping to reduce waiting times for you to be seen. An early specialist assessment with advice and intervention based on the best available evidence provided by Physiotherapists can enhance patient recovery and self-management.

What can be seen?

✓ Patients aged 18 or over.

✓ MSK problem (which you are not already under treatment for)

✓ MSK conditions:

– Soft tissue/Muscle/Tendon/Ligament strains/sprains.

– Joint pain/injury.

– Acute flare up of a long-term condition.

– Back/Neck Pain.

– Postural Pain/Problems.

– Osteoarthritis.

– Minor Trauma (Falls / Sports injuries).

How do I book in?

Please contact your GP practice as normal and the receptionist will guide you through the process