Do you look after someone?
We can put you in touch with Northamptonshire Carers who can tell you more about the support that may be available to you.
Does someone at home or in the neighbourhood depend on you to help with the tasks and/or responsibility for everyday living? Perhaps you care for someone in the family or for a friend? If so, you are a carer and may like some support for
You may have been caring for the person for some time already, regularly helping them with everyday tasks or giving them the sort of support they need to stay in the family home. The definition of a carer does not include people employed to provide care. You may see it as part of your life or your duty to care for your mum or dad, your partner, your child or friend, but there may be times when you need information, advice or some extra help.
When you are a carer it is often difficult to have a real break because someone depends on you to look after them. You can get tired and run down, and your health may possibly suffer. Telling your surgery can help to support you and make sure that you yourself get the right sort of care. You are important too.
We want to trace all those patients who are carers and maintain a carer’s register. This will mean that carers like you are known to us and steps are taken to support you. If you want your doctor to know that you are a carer, fill in the form above. Then your name can be added to our Carers’ Register.
As a carer, you are entitled to request a carer’s assessment from Social Services. Carers do not have an automatic right to have access to the medical record of the person they care for. This is something you should discuss together. As a carer, it may be helpful to both of you if you could ring in to get test results or discuss a prescription.
If you both agree that you should have access to a medical record, the person you care for should complete a carer’s agreement to share information form. On the form, they should specify exactly what information they want to be shared with you. For example test results only or access to any information. You can obtain a copy of the form at reception or download one from our website.
Once consent has been recorded, you should tell our staff that you have consent from the person you care for to share information. They will check on that person’s medical record.
Northamptonshire Carers’ Service offers advice, support and free services, such as free gym sessions, carers sitting service, free holiday chalets, carers lunch breaks, reiki and relaxation sessions, regular telephone support and free emergency care services. Call 01933 677 907 for details.
Carers UK produce a very useful carers rights guide – see
The Carers UK Advice line is open
Monday to Friday, 10am-4pm. Call 0808 808 7777 or email