Our patients have a right to expect that:
- They may express a preference for a practitioner.
- They will be treated with courtesy and consideration by all our staff.
- Their medical condition will be managed according to the highest standards as defined by the profession.
- They will receive appropriate information about their condition and treatment.
- The practice will endeavour to educate patients on health care matters wherever possible.
- Doctors, nurses and staff will be encouraged to pursue appropriate further training.
The practice expects that patients will:
- attend their appointments at the arranged time. If this is not possible they should inform the surgery as soon as possible.
- understand that appointments are for one person only. Additional appointments should be made for each person.
- be aware that home visits are made at the doctor’s discretion and should only be requested for patients who are seriously ill or housebound. It is important to bear in mind that most medical problems are dealt with more effectively in the clinical setting of a well equipped surgery or hospital.
- accept that many problems can be solved by advice alone; therefore patients should not always expect a prescription.
- treat the staff and doctors with courtesy and respect. Bear in mind that reception staff have a very difficult job to do, juggling with limited resources and without detailed medical knowledge. They are trying to do their best for you.