Local & National Services

Local Services

Berinsfield Pharmacy (2.4 km)Dentalcare Berinsfield (2.9 km)Robert Stanley Opticians (5.0 km)
LloydsPharmacy (4.7 km)Peachcroft Dental Practice (4.7 km)Abingdon Eye Centre (5.0 km)
Avicenna Pharmacy (5.0 km)Peachcroft Orthodontics (4.7 km)Scrivens inc. Russell Caulton (5.0 km)
Boots (5.1 km)Duffy, David Alexander (5.0 km)Paul Conway (5.0 km)
Jhoots Pharmacy (5.1 km)Precinct Dental Practice (5.1 km)Boots Opticians (5.1 km)
Boots (5.2 km)Bath Street Dental Practice (5.1 km)Specsavers Opticians (5.1 km)
Reynolds Way Pharmacy (5.3 km)Brown, James Michael (5.2 km)Boots-Didcot (6.0 km)
North Abingdon Pharmacy (5.4 km)Ock Street Dental Surgery (5.3 km)Specsavers (6.0 km)
LloydsPharmacy Inside Sainsbury’s (5.9 km)Busby House Dental Centre (6.2 km)Scrivens (6.1 km)
Tesco Stores Limited (5.9 km)Rex Dental Practice (6.2 km)Vision Express (6.8 km)

Healthy Abingdon

Advice about local medical services, food, general support and contacts, and more.

Age UK Oxfordshire

Age UK offers companionship, advice and support for older people. This includes advice for making the best choices later in life, putting people in control of their care, and ensuring their wellbeing.

Oxford Safe Haven

If you are experiencing mental health problems, you should call us at Clifton Hampden Surgery. But if you need help at the weekend, outside of practice hours, Oxford Safe Haven can give you the support you need.
If you are in an emergency situation, or feel you are an immediate risk to yourself or someone else, always call 999.


National Services

Action on Addiction

Experts at Action on Addiction offer life-saving treatment for those affected by addiction (such as to alcohol, drugs, gambling, gaming or sex) or food-related disorders.

Alcohol Change UK

This charity helps people to gain the motivation, confidence and ability to control their drinking habits themselves.


Mind offers advice and support to empower those experiencing a mental health problem. As well as supporting individuals, they campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.


This team of highly-trained female advisers are here to listen, and to empower you to understand your options when experience domestic abuse. They can help you to live more safely, or to find a refuge or specialist service. If you are in an emergency situation, always call 999.


Shout is a 24/7 UK crisis text service for those who need immediate support. Text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258 to be put in touch with a trained Crisis Volunteer who can help you think more clearly and take steps to feel better.

Oxfordshire All In

Enter your postcode and this interactive map will show support groups in your area.

Oxfordshire Reducing the Risk of Domestic Abuse

This charity helps to keep vulnerable adults and children safe from domestic abuse. Their website gives information on recognising and getting help for domestic abuse for yourself and others.

Oxfordshire Wellbeing Cloud

This drug and alcohol treatment service can help you recover from addiction at your own pace.

Smokefreelife Oxfordshire

Smokefreelife Oxfordshire offers a 12 week treatment plan, using behavioural support and nicotine replacement therapy. Their services are free of charge.

Age UK

Age UK offers companionship, advice and support for older people. This includes advice for making the best choices later in life, putting people in control of their care, and ensuring their wellbeing.


The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) offers a free, confidential helpline and webchat for those who need to talk about their problems. They also support those bereaved by suicide through the Support After Suicide Partnership (SASP).


Papyrus offers a confidential support helpline for young people struggling with thoughts of suicide, and anyone worried about a young person.https://www.papyrus-uk.org/https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/suicide/

Rehab 4 Addiction

The team offer a range of services, and help signpost you to the most effective treatments including alcohol rehab, drug rehab, detox services, intervention, aftercare and outpatient counselling.


Samaritans supports people who are struggling to cope and need someone to listen without judgement or pressure. They work tirelessly to promote suicide prevention.

Women’s Aid

Women’s Aid empowers women and children who have been affected by domestic abuse to live independent lives free from fear.