While we work hard to give you the best experience possible, it can sometimes be difficult for us to see things from a patient’s point of view. The Patient Participation Group (PPG) gives you a say in how to improve Clifton Hampden Surgery. It is an excellent way for underrepresented groups to actively take part in their healthcare.
The group is not just for our patients; if you care for one of our patients, even if you are not registered with our practice, we want you to join too!
As a member of our PPG, you could help to improve the care we offer you by:
- Telling us how you feel about our services, and doing research into the opinions of our patients and their carers. This feedback will help us to give you care that better suits your needs
- Organising health promotion events to help people make better decisions for themselves and their families, which could free up a lot of NHS resources
- Raising money to fund the practice services that keep you healthy
- Running volunteer services and support groups to allow patients to help each other
To join the Clifton Hampden Surgery PPG, please complete this form and put it in the post box outside the surgery.